We all have a back story that informs who we are and why we act and think as we do. This in-person workshop for intermediate-level and above examines how your own back story influences your mediumship, and what you can do about it.
As mediums, we have the ability to pick up information from anywhere along a fellow soul’s timeline – from the life they lived on Earth and from the life they are living now. We all know this, but sometimes when demonstrating or giving one-to-one readings, we can feel ‘blank’, or we find ourselves waiting for fresh information to touch our mind. We are not always 100% sure what sort of evidence is available to us. This affects our confidence, making us unsure, hesitant and doubtful.
This in-person workshop at the College will give you the tools necessary to bring any dialogue with the spirit world alive. Through mini tutorials, exercises and group work, we will practice together to transform our mediumship. We will fully realise the three-dimensional attributes of our spirit communicator and thus, we strive to become better ambassadors for the spirit world.
Book now to develop and empower your mediumship, enabling more accuracy, clarity and articulation in your readings
28th September 2024 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
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