EPISODE 028: Life After Breath with Jacob Cooper
Jan 28, 2021
In this episode, I am talking to my guest, Jacob Cooper, about his Near Death Experience as a toddler, which impacted the entirety of his life, lifting the veil between two worlds and giving him an insight into immortality.
Jacob talks to us of how a Near Death Experience or NDE as they are known, helped him to discover that consciousness continues after death and importantly, that we cannot be defined by age, culture, race, or circumstances – that our unique soul can never be damaged or hurt but will triumph. Get to know your guides, says Jacob, for they are the closest thing that we know, to our own soul.
This Week’s Episode
I am talking to my guest, Jacob Cooper, about his Near Death Experience as a toddler, which impacted the entirety of his life, lifting the veil between two worlds and giving him an insight into immortality.
Episode 028 Resources
Here are some resources referred to in Episode 024, which you may find helpful.
- Jacob Cooper website
Jacob Cooper Instagram
- Jacob Cooper Facebook
- Life After Breath by Jacob L Cooper – Amazon
- Raymond Moody
- Brian Weiss
- Dolores Cannon
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Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.
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PM 028
Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.
In this episode, I am talking to my guest, Jacob Cooper, about his Near Death Experience as a toddler, which impacted the entirety of his life, lifting the veil between two worlds and giving him an insight into immortality.
Jacob talks to us of how a Near Death Experience or NDE as they are known, helped him to discover that consciousness continues after death and importantly, that we cannot be defined by age, culture, race, or circumstances – that our unique soul can never be damaged or hurt but will triumph. Get to know your guides, says Jacob, for they are the closest thing that we know, to our own soul.
You’ll Learn
Why our guides are the closest thing we know to our own soul
What an NDE is
Why the soul is not defined by the body or linear age
Why the soul continues to grow and evolve
The benefits of Past Life Regression
How to remember the eternity of who we are
The positive impact of suffering
The importance of asking for help and guidance
How to contact your spirit guides
To understand that the spirit world is right in front of us
Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 28.
In this episode, I am talking to my guest, Jacob Cooper, about his Near Death Experience as a toddler, which impacted the entirety of his life, lifting the veil between two worlds and giving him an insight into immortality. Jacob talks to us of how a Near Death Experience or NDE as they are known, helped him to discover that consciousness continues after death and importantly, that we cannot be defined by age, culture, race, or circumstances – that our unique soul can never be damaged or hurt but will triumph. Get to know your guides, says Jacob, for they are the closest thing that we know, to our own soul.
Before I begin… let me tell you about a two-day Tarot workshop I have coming up with the incredibly talented Tarot Tutor, Lesley Malone. This workshop is suitable for intermediate level students and above and It’s called The Wheel Of The Year – As psychics, we have the ability to interpret the world around us, using our sixth sense, gut feeling or intuition. We can use a tarot deck as a signpost to highlight that which we intuitively feel.
The Wheel Of The Year spread is a powerful tool to use when we wish to see where our client has been and where they are going on their personal journey. By looking at the year ahead, we can take a deeper look at what the next 12 months might hold, to gain insight, get clarity, find resolution and help our client make a transformation. It’s a two day workshop and it takes place on Zoom, with mini tutorials, exercises and break-out groups and you will have an opportunity to work with other students from across the globe. Once again, it’s a two-day workshop for Intermediate to advanced level students and it takes place on Saturday 20th March and Saturday 27th March, it begins at: 2 pm – 7 pm UK time zone and it will take place on Zoom. If you would like to book on that workshop, please do head over to my website anntheato.com
TO BOOK https://anntheato.com/events/tarot-the-wheel-of-the-year/
That’s where you can find it. Gosh what a long URL address that is! Alternatively, just go to anntheato.com and pull down the menu that says online events and you will find all details there.
Meanwhile, it’s back to the Psychic Matters studio.
So I’m in the Psychic Matters studio today with Jacob Cooper. Jacob is a Clinical Social Worker, a Hypnotherapist and he specialises in past life regression therapy; he is now the author of a brand new book called Life After Breath, Jacob Cooper, welcome to Psychic Matters.
It’s such an honour to be here, in the new year and I am very excited to be chatting with you, and my new book, and just kind of talk a little bit about it.
Cool, well go ahead and tell us where you got the inspiration from. I mean, they say everybody has a book inside them, right, but where did yours come from and why did you write it?
It’s a wonderful question, it took me many years to really find the belief system that I could do this, that I had a book in me. I would say that, you know, within my near death experience, and I talk a little bit about this in my book, of the Angels that I encountered and will get into it a little bit later, but there’s so many Angels in human form that have really inspired me. One of them that I speak about towards the end of my book, is my dear friend Robert who was a renowned medium and the moment he met me on air, he saw something in me and he was always on me to write a book and to get it out there. And in a way, I wanted, kind of like the planet Pluto which rules Scorpio, it’s a planet of honouring the dead, and so this book was not just honouring those who were close to me that passed away, and their impact to me, but also the concept of death, the concept that we are eternal, that we go on, you know, we don’t die and so from a first-hand near death experience that I had, that I speak about in the book, I wanted to kind of honour that transformation and to kind of reframe how we see it in today, but it’s, it’s just an honour and very surreal to have this in front of me right here.
Yeah it looks great, really does look good, beautiful cover.
Yeah, the other way that I wrote this book, was for interested writers, is you have ideas you have right effort, you have right intention, but ultimately when you’re doing this kind of work, it comes from a higher dimension, and so I say that higher consciousness, or God or whatever you kind of label it as, was a big support system, with, in getting this book out the way that it did, you know, so it is very much channelled, you know and guided.
How long did it take you to write, because it covers quite a lot of your life span doesn’t it, so , did you write a diary, or is this from memory, or you say it’s, that some of it is channelled.
There’s two kinds of books that you write, there’s two parts of it. The first part is a literary proposal which is sent out to publishing companies and that was accepted by my current publisher, Waterside Productions which is a publishing company in Southern California and I was ab le to get the same literary agent as Eckhardt Tolle, Neil Donald Walsh his name is William Gladstone and he runs this company, so the proposal is a big part. That probably took me longer than the actual manuscript, because within the proposal, you know, it’s a couple of samples, sample chapters, chapter summaries, you know, strategies but the devil is in detail, everything has to be pristine and perfect, especially a first time author, to get accepted. Now together working with an editor who used to work for Harper Collins, that took me almost a couple months to a year. Now finishing up the rest of the manuscript was easy because the proposal, not only did that help me to get with this publishing company, but it laid the foundation for the book from my perspective, professionally, working as a psychotherapist, to writing this book, foundation is everything. When you have that foundation, the rest is easy, and so getting that foundation right, made the rest all easy, and after that, discipline, you know, having a consistency in your schedule and working when, you know, write 200 pages in one sitting, it’s one chapter, one page at a time that I was able to get this done.
Sure and so you talk in the book, without giving the content away obviously, but you talk in the book about having a near death experience as a very young child. Do you want to say a little bit about that Jake?
Sure, the term near death experience, was really broadcast and diagnosed by the man by the name of doctor Raymond Moody who was actually on my cover of my book and I’m friendly with but he coined the term in his best-selling book, Life After Life in 1975, and so for those of you who might have had a near death experience, I highly recommend checking out doctor Raymond Moody’s work, to kind of understand some of the different criteria that fits the mould of a near death experience because it’s not just like you were driving a car and you almost died, you know, this near death experience usually is when the physical body shuts down and all capacities of it are gone and you still have consciousness when you shouldn’t, you know, so it kind of defies the logic that consciousness is produced by the brain and the body, when the brain and the body are very limited or not there. And so having this experience, to preface this, it didn’t come from a 3 year old personality, you know Jake when I was experiencing this, I do believe there’s an eternal soul that we carry at all ages, that that is not defined by the body or our current linear age, and so this experience was, was, was seen from the windows and the eyes of my soul, which I experienced in my NDE and I talked about it went beyond this body and will go on for after, and so that’s when I kind of had it, but just for people interested, how I had this experience was I was, I had an upper respiratory virus called pertussis or generically known as whooping cough, and left untreated, that could be fatal for an infant. I literally was climbing up a ladder to a slide, and I suffocated, and once I suffocated, every part of my body shutdown, including my brain, and my brain literally, I felt it crack in half due to the deprivation of oxygen, and as the saying goes, my brain cracked and God came in, so to speak, and literally that’s what happened to me, and this was in a playground and I was an infant. There are so many different times that I speak about in this book, as well as my next upcoming book that I’m working on, this upcoming book, is kind of, this current book, is really, kind of goes into the experience, as well as, more importantly, how psycho sociologically, I was able to integrate the experience in my lifetime, and I know you, from your discussion, you read it. I did this purposely because near death experiencers, people have a very hard time kind of relating to them if they don’t have that experience and so I wanted to make this as very real and human as I could, to really empower others to tap into that internal part of them that is always there, that never left them. Sometimes it’s through adversity or shake up of consciousness that we experience that, but that is not necessary to have a knowing of our eternity.
But you describe it so beautifully in the book, because you go into great detail about what you sensed, what you saw, the types of beings that you felt around you, how you could look down upon your body lying there and see everything that was going on and how you experienced the experience from multiple viewpoints.
Absolutely, to preface, when I crossed over to the other side, it’s not like I all of a sudden became a transformed being. My awareness of what’s around me was magnified, right, you know, just in terms of seeing the celestial beings, my spiritual guides that I speak about, all the Angels in front of me, but the inner dialogue, the inner-processor, what I call the sacred eternal observer or the soul, was always there and it even had a form that I was able to really detect when I was looking at the side of my body. So there was like a field that I was able to feel within form, and so what I’m trying to get at is when we die, our awareness, or not die, when we are reborn I would say, our awareness is magnified and heightened and we are in a quite a euphoric state, but who we are continues to carry over, and that continues to evolve and grow into the, you know healed when we crossover, so it’s not like we are magically transformed into an Angel when we go there, and so the point where I’m trying to get out is, I really understand this earth school from my experience, as almost kind of like a training school to be a guide, or a higher being, you know, and the more that we are able to evolve, you know, that inner being of ourselves, the more that we were able to kind of translate it to know higher dimensions and you know, evolve our work in this eternal journey that we call life.
Yeah, I mean that’s beautiful, and so that happened when you were very young, so did you speak of that experience to people around you, or how did that impact your life as you started to grow up?
For viewers interested, I would highly recommend the work of an author by the name of P.M.H. Atwater, and one of her books is called Forever Angels which …
Could you spell her name ‘cos her first name is unusual?
PMH Atwater and she has a book called The Forever Angels. She is a world renowned near death experience researcher and that book in particular, kind of specialises in childhood and infant near death experiences but from hearing PMH Atwater talk, it takes around 20 to 30 years for a child or an infant to really integrate and process their experience. And so for myself, to answer your question, there was an internalisation of it, and a suppression at times repression of it, but it wasn’t until I was able to pick up a book by the author by the name of Betty Eady, who wrote a New York Times best-selling book called Embraced By The Light in kind of my late teens, early 20s, that I was able to have a diagnosis of my experience. I wasn’t able to label it and there was no universality behind my experience, it was very isolating and something that I kept very hidden. And as we know, and I’m sure you’ve experienced with the gift or a transformative experience, there’s only a certain amount of time that you could put the beach ball under the water, eventually has to pop up, whether you like it or not. And so when timing was right, when I was ready, that happened, but there was quite a lot of agitation that I experienced and I speak about this a little bit in my book. Growing up a kid, I was quite rebellious, there was an anger unexplained in myself, because I really wasn’t able to have a lexicon and a verbalization of it, and even seeing therapists all my life, I just really pushed it on the back burner and tried to bury it, to kind of fit in, and so it wasn’t until I was empowered that I was able to give an empowered relay of the message of what I experienced.
Let’s go back a little, I know in the book you speak about growing up and you attended a Jewish school and then you moved schools for various reasons. Tell us a little bit about your upbringing.
Sure, now I come from multi generations of social workers and therapists, in which we value tradition, organisation, you know, religion, education, all that kind of stuff, so we, more so believe in the here now, than the hereafter, but it’s very much a family of service and of giving, and so certainly that was an impetus and influence on the work that I do in my book but I was always different. People didn’t know how to label me and so internally I was always very frustrated, I just couldn’t express it, people kind of programmed me on a God that was monopolised by faith and not, not a God that was empowered or, or had an internal personal connection to each and every person. And so I kind of was kind of taught to kind of believe in a system outside of myself, and a God outside of myself that transactional very human God with flaws and jealousy and anger and you know, kind of chauvinistic kind of portrayal of it, and not the eternal God that I experienced at a young age. It was, it was quite a conflict to say the least, and I was a rebel from day one, against kind of like the faith that I was brought up in. And there’s a wonderful saying that the afterlife and God exists not because of religion but despite of it, right, and I always live by those words and believe in that.
Yeah that’s good. So, coming into the work that you are doing now, you’re doing, you are specialising in past life regression and you’ve worked as a psychotherapist, would it be fair to say that your early experiences as a young child influenced your choice of career path?
Yes you know and also the near death experience that I had informed almost every single decision that I make in my life, to me that was the ultimate classroom. And no disrespect to the school systems or family that I was born into but for me that was the ultimate school system. The reason why I say that is, you know, it will give a little bit of a taste of the experience, I experienced the angelic realm and the selfless love that was given by the Angels and my spiritual guides and from a very early age, I understood that this was very much a soul experience that, and why I say that is, when I talk about the soul, the real goal is to put the me in the we, and to be of service and to have a ripple effect of your lifetime and others and I understood that when people see themselves of the soul, you know that kind of focused not so much on how it all impacts my body, my bank account, you know, my ego but rather the ultimate currency as how the ripple effect, effect impacts other people. And so certainly, born into a family of both parents who were very giving and specialised in helping others, that certainly was an influence, but past life regression in particular, was something that I was quite influenced by in my lifetime, and I speak about this in my book, we’re almost, kind of, I was haunted by past life memories that were quite uncomfortable at the time and also as a young infant having this experience, I was able to really understand the soul for so much more of the chronological age, and so you know being in the field of mental health and understanding positive psychology, the number one question is, outside is what happens when we die is why, why am I here? And so it’s hard to kind of live our full potential, if you’ve been acting on how, how we’ve been perceived and who we have been taught that we are and not truly connected to who we truly are, and so past life regression, I view as a form of soul therapy, to kind of expand our awareness of the self, to better understand our purpose, and how we could really be in the groove of our eternal infinite soul.
Sure, that’s a good explanation. And so if somebody came to you Jacob, for a past life regression session, what, what would happen for them?
You know, it’s case by case situations, you know, people come to me for different reasons but normally for past life regressions; there’s two clients who come to me. There’s a client that wants to kind of be entertained or is curious of it, you know, that’s kind of, that’s one kind of client and the other client is quite motivated, where they’ve tried every trick of the trade, they tried every modality, you know, but it’s the last stop on the train and it hasn’t worked and I know doctor Brian Weiss speaks about this, along with the late Dolores Cannon, how past life regression really could, you know, it’s a great way to kind of explain the unexplained, you know, there’s certain, you know, either its health tendencies or family patterns or different parts of our lifetime that where I’m certain about, and it could give a greater kind of awareness as to some of those patterns, so that some of those greater messages are no longer needed to be repeated from awareness, and lessons being embraced, and so I look at it as a great tool, to evolve ourselves multi-dimensionally as a soulful being. You know, and I do believe that’s a big part of why we’re here, is evolving and growing.
Sure, so but, what is the process, if somebody comes and says, right Jacob, I’m booking in with you, I’m going to lie on your lovely couch here in your, in your beautiful healing office, what is the process, because some people don’t know, they’ve never had a past life regression session, so?
Sure, so you know past life progression is a form of hypnotherapy, I think that’s important to understand, so I was trained formally as a certified hypnotist, hypnotherapist, but I received a specialisational training as a side of it, of past life regression. Now past life regression for many, it will seem like a very relaxing, guided meditation, and that’s the process of going through hypnotic inductions and getting people to get into the deeper hipnoidal states, but then after that, within an individual session, it’s very much interactive, where we kind of have people kind of describe what they’re seeing, what they’re experiencing, and I take notes and I document. And so some of my clients might remember what they have, some of them are very deep in their hipnoidal states, that they are not cogniscent, or aware and they’re taken out of those deeper hypnoidal states. You know, it’s almost, it’s kind of like a therapy session, where afterwards we kind of recap, kind of what we have, and I give also hypnotic suggestions for people to kind of be cognizant of, you know, that relate to it, but there’s a process of an intake that I have with particular clients, understanding maybe parts of the world or, or colours they might gravitate to, to get them in a more comfortable state you know, and then it’s very much interactive, through an individual session. Group is a little bit more complicated in terms of the interactive, because it’s you know, 40/50 people, you can’t go with them individually, so you have to kind of keep it generalised, but usually in groups to have like an interactive Q&A component, or sharing, to kind of create more ownership of the regression.
Sure and then what do people, what are people saying afterwards that they’ve gotten out of the sessions?
Normally people who come to me will, will say that they are a lot more aware of tendencies, whether they are more aware of that difficult person in their life, and they’re able to kind of see through past the behaviour, they are able to understand some of the karmic ties that they might have with people, you know, their relationships, or some health tendencies, as well as a defined sense of purpose and it’s not all pathologically based. A lot of times people are able to take more empowerment to some of the greater gifts they’ve worked on through hard work that they have in their storehouse, to be able to come forward, you know it could also be as simple as falling in love with the part of the world that you haven’t visited, visited yet, that you’re connected to, you know, and go into that particular place and having that as a part of your greater story and self-identity. A lot of it too, is just letting go of the narrative of who we really have held on to, and expanding it past the one page of how we see ourself, to get into prior chapters and more of an understanding of our entire of our book in its entirety.
Sure, so for yourself then, you’ve gone on this wonderful journey, you’ve gone to the other realm or realms, so where do you see yourself? Talk to us a little bit more about immortality and the soul.
You know that, that is a wonderful concept and I know when you read the book I was able to show direct directly and indirectly how I was able to integrate that. I do believe truly, when people talk about their soul purpose, a lot of it, so much is letting go of the amnesia, once the soul leaves the waters of the other side and comes to this earth plane, is to remember that simple truth that we can never be hurt nor damaged. There’s an inner part of us, that will triumph and go through anything that life throws at us. I think part of that, is being able to integrate that in those moments between the stimuli or the kind of structure that we face and how we engage and respond to that and so you know spirituality, or with practicality is quite resourceful, and I use that as one of the impetus is in teachings of the super powers of resilience, and I speak about this certainly as a therapist, certainly the capacity to come through at first situations and go through them and not to be knocked down and to kind of be apathetic and give up, and so within life situations, we all, no matter who we are, no one’s immune to the human experience of getting shaken up, or having a situation happen, you know, finance, relationship, you know, house closing, you know, whatever it might be, losing a job, but I think if we are able to understand, remembering the eternity of who we are and to remembering the embodiment of the God that we want to relate to, the God that we want to kind of model ourselves after, which to me is filling that space beyond a transactional form of love, to an unconditional form of love, you know, we’re able to really evolve you, you know ourselves and thus we could really relate to other people’s experiences better, through evolving love, which is loving ourselves, even when we’re kicked down in those difficult moments. It’s very easy to love ourselves, we’re sky high and everything is going well, so I think so much of this is to really tap into that divinity within that we all have, and evolve that point, so that, you know, when we do cross over there’s a part of that divinity that’s, that’s grown from evolved love, you know, that we kind of integrate within this lifetime.
Sure, so how do we do that? So we’re going along with our lives and we are having some very challenging times and so how do we remember that we a soul being, in the times where we’re so human and suffering so badly, how do we transcend?
I think, you know, I don’t want to bypass suffering. I think suffering is important to go through, I say feelings influence feelings. The issue is, is when those feelings just sit and they don’t kind of acquit and they don’t release ourselves, and so there’s so many different modalities and I was very, you know, inspired to do this in my own work, where you know, there’s a lot of different tools to release this. I always believe that if garbage just sits in our home, it tends to stink up and so I do believe it’s important from the ground up, to go through those progression’s, to not bypass those points but what I would say is, that to kind of implement NLP work or CBT cognitive behavioural therapy work, you know, to utilise, so for instance, each and every time we’re feeling that we’re not seeing past this, that we are stuck, you know, that it’s not going to go through it, I think it’s important to kind of step back and allow those thoughts to kind of run their course, to get back in their body, to get back into our breath, and to, even if it’s just a catchphrase that we bear in mind, such as this too shall pass, I’m eternal, I can’t be damaged, I will go on, I’ve lived many lifetimes died many deaths, and here I am today and it all works out. But I think we have to be able to integrate and implement if that’s a fire energy, if that’s a wristband that might just say eternity and you snap it, whatever that might be, coz that’s quite important. Certainly being in the field of mental health, and I speak a little bit about this more in my book, I have an understanding of suffering as it relates to giving, and I don’t want to say giving up but engaging in suicidal behaviours or committing suicide, and I think truly that comes from people forgetting, you know, that message that they give a lot more power over to the world outside of them than to the world inside of them, and I think it’s very important to remember that world, and more that that world grows, the more that we are able to have a force field behind us to manage and mitigate the world outside of us and it’s very important to, to continually evolve and develop that world.
Yeah sure, I mean I’ve been in those very dark places where suicidal thoughts have been very present within me at times of my life, and I think it’s very difficult when you’re in that space, to find the light and find the brightness. So perhaps what you’re saying is, it’s better to, before those thoughts become so all-encompassing, to remember your divinity?
Remember that, but also you know, being able to formulate a vocabulary behind your experiences, and to have a release point, like you said, it becomes very overwhelming, you know, and so that hot air balloon has bricks in it, and it can’t take off and you feel very much stuck, so I think if it’s just simply just writing down an angry letter, or writing down your thoughts, because they tend to kind of sit on this heavy cloud of endless suffering, and I think if we’re able to organise it, and kind of really verbalise what’s inside of us it, doesn’t necessarily go away, but it becomes a little bit easier, we are cognizant of what’s happening and once we’re able to do that, we could say okay, this is what’s happening, you know, how could I work with, whether it’s coming to a therapy session, or something else, because I could really continue to recycle these thoughts, but you know my current affect and my current state is not going to change until I change my thoughts influencing my feelings and behaviours, and so I think it’s very important to be able to have a language, have a way to kind of release some of that in a way, and you know if you’re feeling all those thoughts obviously, being able to have the courage and stamina and strength to receive professional guidance and help, you know, to get you to get your power back in your life, when it feels like it’s been taken away.
Yes when you haven’t got the strength yourself to seek the help that can, that you need to help you get out of those repeating thoughts. So talk to us then Jacob, about your own past lives. So have you had experience, have you been regressed yourself by others? What sort of things have you experienced?
Yeah I think in our world we’re taught to be Mr Atlas and handle all life on our own and that defines a strong person, and really from my near death experience I understood that there’s so much around us at all times and this is not an isolative experience, and the strongest people, in those darkest moments, you know, are able to ask for help, and so I think it’s, it’s very important to understand and destigmatised, you know, the process of asking for help and guidance, whether it be those in the satellites of the heavens or those here on the earth plane, you know, that could empower us and then take the power back. But within my book I speak about, you know, a most recent past life that I lived which evidentially a couple of psychics and mediums have been able to pick up without me saying a word on, in the exact kind of series of events and kind of what happened. For me, that last lifetime was a lifetime where I was kind of like a teacher of many different students, and I kind of had what’s called a hubris, where, I guess I got too overconfident or too cocky myself and I just sabotaged in away or just kind of arrogance led to my own demise, and I was really cut in a dark place and I guess I made some violations of some sorts, and I took my own life and so this was a running theme throughout my childhood, where, whether through dream state or waking state I would constantly be in the same room and see the people around me and constantly see how I took my own life, and this was validated years later in my late teens early 20s, by numerous different intuitives, and so I understand part of the reason behind having my experience was on a personal level, to kind of teach, you know, my soul from being in the deprivation of oxygen and suffocating, my near death experience, to understand that once we lose everything, where we have to remember that we have to remember that we’re connected to eternity, that were connected to everything, and really there’s no such thing as, as darkness unless we give it the value of it. In the end, light prevails, light goes on and I think so much is being able to look past darkness, and seeing the eternal light of our experiences, that’s something that I forgot in those moments in which I took my own life, is I just saw darkness and I was in, I wasn’t able to see past what I was going through, and so I think so much of this is re remembering our eternity, remembering that light and being able to integrate it through different challenges, that I do believe that we chart within this lifetime and you know we’re able to do that, you know, we really turned a corner, but it’s only through kind of these challenges in moments when we are kind of feeling heavy, by, by those moments in which we could be able to reintegrate and evolve, so I was very much inspired to do regressive therapy to kind of speak to that next child who might have had this experience, might have had to live with the trauma of it, had maybe no one that they knew that they could talk to and so being able to hold space through anyone in my path through this work was of pivotal importance, as well as getting over the stigmatisation of the young infant, that I portrayed to the world, to kind of redefine that in the eyes of those around him, as a real true infinite soul, that you have in your home, you know, it’s so much more than the external presentation you know, of.
Oh that’s lovely so for those who are frightened of death, I know that you work with people who’ve got anxiety associated with the fear of death. Can you, can you speak a little about that?
Yeah, you know, it’s quite rational, and being a near death experiencer, I do, at times have those fears, even though I had a knowing of it. In a sense, the mind if you are too much into it, could really be such a tricky place and create something out of nothing and so I do believe the souls comes out of the windows of inner depths of our being and not so much the left brain. I do believe the moment that we’re able to remember ourselves, is not a physical being but a soul eternal being, we’re able to look at death in another way. But it’s perfectly rational to understand some of those fears. When you see your body and that’s all that you see yourself as and to then think that, okay once I’m gone, I just goes under some dark black hole and my body is 6 feet under and that’s where I live forever, you know, I could perfectly understand that, and so the moment that you’re able to understand yourself as more than your body, and sometimes different moments in our life might have that, and you know, getting a reading from yourself for a reputable medium to kind of give evidential framework of it, kind of helps people out, but those fears as most past life regression kind of work, but I think the moment that you see yourself a little bit differently, will transform your relationship and engagement with death and the eternity of the soul, but it’s through direct experiences that will transform this ideology.
Tell me about God or your experience of God. Does he exist, is he there in the other realm? Is there a universal force? What did, what was your experience of that?
What I’ll say is, within our world there’s an external portrayal of God, you know, whether that be different religions and different organisations, and people really hold on to those different dynamics. What I learned in my near death experience was God never left me. God was always there. God was in my own backyard. He wasn’t in the hands of monopolisations of, you know, a wealthy preacher, or organisation or movement but rather it was a part of myself that I was forever connected to. Within our lifetime and within my near death experience, I understand that I had an awareness of what I would call you know, for people to understand God, but that dynamic, that relationship, is forever evolving and so the more that I guess I become evolved in my experience, the capacity to integrate and understand the divinity grows, and so you know God, I view, is a part of ourselves that’s eternal and the brighter that diamond shines, the brighter connected to that eternal light becomes engaged and I view this lifetime as very much as a way to get higher, I view God as an eternal frequency of vibration, of light, and so the more higher that we vibrate, the more higher we are able to understand the forever, eternal, dynamic of God. It’s not through the part of our left brain, that’s really analysed God, it’s more of a feeling, it’s more of an interconnection, but you know, there’s many trickles of consciousness of God, you know, God is not just one particular light, I view all as God and many forms come as a trickle of consciousness, it’s kind of like teardrops of it, whether that be the angelic beings that I saw, the spiritual guides or even going into nature and just connecting you know, to a beautiful body of water, and so I think this lifetime is very much about remembering God and being able to see it in some of the most difficult places and remembering that all has a spark in them, sometimes that, though that might be covered by rubble or, or hardship, or difficulty, and they connect to the personality and the ego over the internal divinity within.
That is so beautifully described, Jacob, makes me want to go there. You talk of angelic beings and spiritual guides, can you say a little bit more about them? I’m interested in those who inhabit the other realms, as far as your experience goes.
You know, I see a lot of people out there, and they are able to describe their guides very clearly, their names, their genders, everything like that. There are people who are able to do that. What I would say is when I had my near death experience, my spiritual guides were right literally in front of me, I was able to see them to the sides of me, and it was a clear picture, it wasn’t a thought energy, it was very much another realm and dimension that I was in when I was able to see them, and it wasn’t through thought. Throughout my lifetime, I can’t say that I know their exact names to this day, but it doesn’t disvalidate guides, I, I certainly think that some people are, you know, within their lifetime, are able to really have heightened degrees of connectivity to them, but it doesn’t, it doesn’t dismiss your rapport with them. Now for instance, guides come to us in our own language that we’re able to understand, whether that be feelings or messages or just hearing words, and so, just because you don’t know their exact names, or exact past lives or life stories, does not invalidate this. It was certainly through meditation, you know, I try to kind of re remember you know my guides and just to kind of hear their names but I think everyone gets involved in specific, you know, specifics, but not the part that might be able to help them, you know, just if you’re feeling low, if you just feel kind of like a tingle on you, or gentle tap on your shoulder, they’re all around us and it’s an evolving process and so I think for viewers, I could join you on that, if you don’t necessarily know everything about them, it doesn’t discredit or disvalidate you and shouldn’t be disempowering for you to integrate guides in your life. What I would say is, I when I saw my guides, I was quite ashamed and embarrassed, more so with how I forgot that they were around me, and that they were with me. And there was a male and female guide, and I saw their faces and instantaneously I knew, and so what I’d say is, they’re always around us, they are always by us. Some guides have other carnations, some this is the only carnation they don’t carnate before. But the way I see it, is they are the closest thing that we know to our own soul. They’re almost like a close extension of our self and there’s, there’s such depth. Deep karmic ties, like, it’s just right outside the core of our soul is, our guides and soul family and team. The one thing I’ll say, it’s not an isolated experience, such a deepened connection just beyond how and who we see ourselves, I view this life is very much a team effort and we’re never alone, it’s a collective effort.
What would you say is the purpose of our life here? Why are we on the earth plane if we’re immortal beings, belonging to this beautiful world, connected to all these wonderful loving beings, why do we come here to the earth plane?
Having a near death experience I understood that the soul has an urge. A soul doesn’t have needs, right, it’s not dependent on needs, but it has desires and those desires are to create impact or to create chains or to create cohesion. And so, I think really within relationships sometimes we gravitate to our opposites within partners, within different experiences, I think the earth plane in a way is almost kind of the opposite of the other side, where there is conflict, there is division, there is hardship, there are wars. It’s such a contrary energy field, then when you go to the field of high vibrational love on the other side. And so I think, you know, we could be there for eternity, at least from my experience and remembering kind of life between lives, it does get a little bit of kind of boring in a way. I at least have a restless soul in a way and I come back pretty quickly from carnations and so I kind of get bored there, but the soul has a desire to serve, the soul has a desire to kind of create an impact. The body has a desire to take. A soul has a desire to give and so I do believe really it’s, it’s finding ways to remember that part of ourselves, and to really kind of embody the higher truths of the other side to hear on this earth plain and to create less of a gap between the two, thus creating heaven on earth. And we’re truly not earth beings, we’re spiritual beings having this earth human experience, so not only to re remember our true eternity but we’re here to really integrate that into our own life and the lives of others so that we don’t have to wait until we die, to have heaven, you know, we’re kind of creating it right here, right now. So two different worlds, that that veil becomes even thinner. Having my NDE, I clearly understood that heaven is, yes it’s a high lofty place that you could certainly tap into, but it’s also right in front of us, you know, the angelic realm it’s just a simple dial that’s a little bit above this and it’s right here as a filter in front of us and so it’s all connected and really able to kind of bring that higher energy here on earth and it’s really to evolve the body, to evolve the earth plane and that’s a part of the desire, if that makes sense.
Yeah it does make sense of course.
That’s one kind of way and I know in my next book that I’m working on, it’s kind of a book on the wisdom of Jacob’s Ladder. In a sense my name is Jacob and I had my experience on a ladder in a park to a slide and so that is more of a of a tool book and a guide book for readers and it should come out with the next two years, as kind of steps up the ladder to bring in that light and bring it downward into this earth plane, you know, and so that’s a direct lesson and guide book, you know, for people to bring heaven on earth.
Do you think there’s other places we go, not just earth? Do you think there are other places we can Incarnate in?
Absolutely and I can’t say that I learned that from my NDE per se, but I think if you think of a limited God, you think of a limited dimension when you go to on the other side. I like to view the exciting part of God as unlimited and I’ve constant curiosity to understand other forms of existence in other dimensions of the eternal ray of God. I can’t say first hand direct experience of being on other dimensions. I’ve had you know, kind of like encounters with what you would call is a kind of like a UFO type being or a being of higher intelligence. I certainly believe that. I do believe our vibration, our vibe will attract our tribe when we go into the other side and everyone has their own bliss, so to speak, so everyone’s eternity is a little bit different and it vibrates kind of specifically to you, and your soul family, but as we go on, there is an internal kind of reservoir of depth and heightened awareness in different dimensions of the other side that we could connect to. infinite is not finite and I firmly believe so.
Oh wow that’s fantastic Jacob. It’s been so great talking to you, so Life After Breath is the name of your book, where can people purchase it?
So right now people could purchase the paperback or Kindle version I’m working on audio version soon here for people who might be visually impaired or difficult, have a difficult time reading, but it’s on Amazon, it’s Jacob Cooper LCSW Life After Breath. There’s another book with that same title that I had no idea of, and it just kind of shows you when we think were creative, and we think were innovative, someone else might have that, but you know this book really spoke to my experience, where I suffocated and I’ll still able to experience life after breath and I hope to speak it to the times when people are feeling quite exhausted or breathless to kind of rejuvenate, reinvigorate a new sense of breath and people suddenly propelled themselves and usher in this new year of change, so that could all be found on Amazon If anyone is interested worldwide and take a look at it, write a review, share it, it’s it’s all incredibly, I can’t thank you enough for for for the movement that the book has been having.
Yeah I mean it’s brilliant and it is really important for those that are listening, to do go and buy the book and review the book, because reviews do help move it up the charts, and that means more people will have access to it and all the beautiful information that it contains. Jacob I know that you’ve got a beautiful website, so if people wanted to come to you for perhaps some healing, or hypnotherapy, or a past life regression therapy session, I imagine that you’re working online at the moment like the rest of the world?
Yes, worldwide Zoom sessions, I can do Zoom calls or Zoom videos, you know, United States, I can do phone calls. And so my website is Jacoblcooper.com it’s Jacob L Cooper .com and you’ll also be able to find my book page Life After Breath there, and you could purchase, you know, my book from there as well as look at some different reviews, including a testimonial and endorsement from Dr. Raymond Moody and New York Times best-selling author Anita Moorjani so…
I know, you’ve got some beautiful people supporting your book!
And Anita is going to be sharing my book today as we speak right now in her social media accounts, so feel free to look at that.
That’s fantastic, good on Anita, brilliant absolutely brilliant. So Jacob, thank you so much for coming on and so willingly sharing all of the things that you’ve been through and for having such an interesting discussion about what lies beyond this current existence for all of us.
Absolutely, thank you for having me and I hope this talk was helpful for viewers.
Thank you so much Jacob Cooper.
My honour, thank you.
Ann: Well, that was Jacob Cooper talking about his new book, Life After Breath, available worldwide on Amazon. All the links and resources mentioned in this episode can be found in the show notes– plus a full transcription, and those are over on my website www.anntheato.com so head there and you can pick everything up.
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Have a fantastic couple of weeks everybody, stay safe and until next time… my name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to PSYCHIC MATTERS!