EPISODE 030: Life In The Stars with Patsy Bennett
Feb 25, 2021
My guest this week is Patsy Bennett. Patsy began reading palms and tarot at the incredibly young age of 14. She has pursued an interest in all things metaphysical ever since, working in print, television and radio. Her horoscope columns appear in newspapers, magazines & online across Australia and internationally. She is an award-winning published author and her annual Astrology Diaries are now in their fifth year of publication.
Listen to this episode and let Patsy help you understand the science of astrology, the importance of the planets, and how they can help guide your life.
This Week’s Episode
Listen to this episode and let Patsy Bennett help you understand the science of astrology, the importance of the planets, and how they can help guide your life.
Episode 030 Resources
Here are some resources referred to in Episode 029, which you may find helpful.
- https://patsybennett.com
- https://www.astrocast.com.au
- https://www.instagram.com/patsybennettastrology
- https://www.facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology
- https://www.arthurfindlaycollege.org
- https://www.astrology.org.uk
About Psychic Matters Podcasts
Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.
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PM 030
My guest this week is Patsy Bennett. Patsy began reading palms and tarot at the incredibly young age of 14. She has pursued an interest in all things metaphysical ever since, working in print, television and radio. Her horoscope columns appear in newspapers, magazines & online across Australia and internationally. She is an award-winning published author and her annual Astrology Diaries are now in their fifth year of publication.
Listen to this episode and let Patsy help you understand the science of astrology, the importance of the planets, and how they can help guide your life.
You’ll Learn
Why gaining guidance from the planets can help you in your life
How to allow the beauty of nature to inspire you
How you can read someone’s palm
How to understand the difference between astrology and astronomy
What the difference is between clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognisance
- Why you should use Astrology in your daily planner
- What an Astrology Report might contain
- What is behind the science of astrology
- The benefits of noting patterns
Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 30. We are just over a year old and Psychic Matters had her birthday on February 13th this year – so I want to take this opportunity to say Happy Birthday to all of you listeners and all those who have been my guests so far who have come on the show to willingly share their knowledge with the world. The Psychic Matters podcast was created as a free resource for anyone with an interest in the metaphysical arts. It is here for anyone who might not be able to physically attend a class or who may not have the finances to do so. So if you know anyone, anywhere in the world, whom you feel might benefit from listening, please do tell them all about us and get them to subscribe to the show.
This week, our episode is called Life In The Stars – here’s a quick trailer of what is coming up…
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You are going to love this episode! (oh and by the way – if you really enjoy this episode – please do leave me a written review on iTunes or Stitcher!)
Here we go….
I have an extraordinary guest on the show this week – this lady began reading palms and tarot at the incredibly young age of 14. She has pursued an interest in all things metaphysical ever since, working as a clairvoyant, a clairaudient and a clairsentient – and she will explain those terms to you in a moment. This amazing lady works in print, television and radio. Her horoscope columns appear in newspapers, magazines & online across Australia AND internationally. She is an award-winning published author and her annual Astrology Diaries are now in their fifth year of publication. Ladies & Gentlemen, stop what you are doing for the moment put your hands together and let’s give a really warm welcome to the incredibly talented Patsy Bennett. APPLAUSE. Patsy, welcome to Psychic Matters!
Hi Ann, thank you so much for having me.
Oh, it’s such a pleasure it’s great to see you and you’re on the other side of the world to me, perhaps you’d like to tell everyone where you are residing at the moment.
Yes, well I am in Australia on the East Coast, in a small coastal town called Byron Bay.
Ah, beautiful.
It does receive an awful lot of visitors but it’s actually a very, very small town, very beautiful, very, very beautiful very blessed to live here.
Yeah I sometimes see you take beautiful photographs and put them on your, I think it must be your Instagram account, where I see them.
Yes, yeah, yeah, it’s so inspiring, I love being in nature and yes they, it’s just the photos often explain the astrological circumstances we are in, enhance or you know, inspire the posts as well often, because of course we can find the peace and the calm that we seek around us in nature, and it’s almost a case of inhaling it and then we have it inside us as well. So I try and take the photos and share those, so perhaps, you know, they can be of some inspiration as well to those of us who can’t, at the moment unfortunately, be outside in that wild nature as much as we can at the moment. Glad to hear you like them.
Yeah, no, that’s lovely and I love that, inhaling it and taking it inside of yourself, I think that’s really important. And I do, when I look at those photographs, it does take you to a beautiful place, and it just gives you those few seconds of ‘oh this is beautiful, the world is a beautiful place.’
Exactly, that’s partly my reason for posting them, because it is so easy to allow ourselves to start believing the opposite almost, you know, where especially when we go through very difficult circumstances globally, where we are at the moment, it’s quite easy to see our minds going down that path. So that’s partly my aim as well, you know, remind everyone, well look, this is, there is beauty all around, in a blade of grass, in the ocean, let’s, let’s all focus on the beauty and allow that to, to blossom and, and inspire us.
Yeah that’s lovely. Is that your lovely little dog we could hear in the background?
It’s a dog going down to the beach, yes.
You’ve got your door open, letting the breeze go through. Well, we welcome all dogs on this podcast, so I hope that little doggie has a lovely walk, down there this morning. Patsy, tell us, you started this kind of work, this metaphysical work, at very young age, can you go back and tell us a little bit about your early start, your early beginnings?
Yes, well there is one particular memory that I have had from when I was about 12, and I realise now in retrospect, it was my first mediumistic impression or connection that I remember in any case. Although, I was thinking the other day, of something that came before that, which I now can’t remember what it was.
That’s alright.
And yes, and I saw, and heard, and felt, my Grandfather. I was sort of in this big feather bed, in the dark distant woods of Southern Germany in Bavaria, and in, in a very old house, creaky old house, and I just falling asleep, and so I saw heard, and felt, my Grandfather who had passed away several years before, cantering down on his horse, down the corridor, with about 15 other men on their horses, cantering down the corridor of this house. Well of course it is impossible to have a horse cantering down a corridor at about midnight, but, but of course, he was there. And I heard him, I could smell the horses almost, the turf being scuffed up, and you know, and as you know, it was just perfectly natural, and oh well there he goes, isn’t that lovely? And at the time just really not thinking too much of it. So that that was really one of the first times where in retrospect I can think back and realise, yes well, this was something that was just, you know, it accompanies your life and it’s not unusual, it’s not scary, and there’s nothing too much out of the ordinary about it. Of course, to other people, it may well seem that way but yeah, so I can definitely pinpoint that. Then my aunt was a tarot reader and she was always seen as slightly eccentric and she gave me my first tarot deck when I was about 13 or 14 and yes, and so on we go from that, to the present day, so just really developing from those circumstances, those experiences.
Gosh you’re lucky to have an aunt who already was a tarot reader, somebody who already accepted her own gifts and therefore encouraged your own as well, so that must have been, well I guess you wouldn’t have known anything different. But I know some of us have had completely the opposite where our gifts are not accepted immediately. Do you remember what your tarot pack was at that time?
It was a very basic one. I actually found it because, you know, I tend to keep all these things, and it was literally just pictures and then one word, and so I guess technically it wasn’t a tarot deck, and it was in German, it was a completely different language, and yes, just pictures of people, you know, and she sort of pressed that into my hand as I was leaving. Generally the whole family looked down on her, you know, but obviously, she perhaps she you could see something in me and thought, come on, you’ve got to continue this tradition, you know, don’t listen to anyone else, here is your deck, don’t tell anyone. Yes a lovely lady, quite eccentric, definitely eccentric.
Oh, she sounds amazing and German, Germany, you’ve mentioned that couple of times, so were you were you brought up in Germany, Patsy?
No I was, I’m actually a New Zealander, so this was this dark and distant past sort of family connections, who had come over from Eastern Europe to Germany. So, yes, through my mom, so there is a gypsy connection there to the family going back. So of course we can see the tarot and the card, and the tea reading, the palm reading was actually one of the first things I ever did when I was about 18, where I sort of ventured out and worked with complete strangers. Up until that point, you know, I’d read tarot for friends and family, but when I was about 18, I decided, well that’s it, I’m going to test my knowledge here, I’m going to read the palms of the very elderly, to tell them everything that’s already happened in life. And so yes, that was, that was wonderful, because you know, then of course you get the validation there, so you know, that’s correct, so yes and it was actually my father, who comes from an Irish heritage, who was particularly interested in palmistry. So I used to read all his books on palmistry, and so that’s what got me into palmistry as well at a very young age.
And so how did you do that? You say you went and read for the elderly and you summoned the courage and you did it and it was very successful, but how did you do that? Where did you find these elderly people to read their hands, their palms?
Well, you know I did practise on friends and family initially, and having read my dad’s books, you know, they were very scientific, you know, about this line means exactly this, and if it is exactly here over by mm then it means this, and we can time dates, you know, so I did literally study it, in that sense. But that was really when I discovered that actually I would completely ignore all of that, and the palms are very concentrated energy in our palms and so, you know, if you look at some of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs or paintings, they often have the gods, you know, with their palms up and I used to always think, well that’s because they’re showing how much energy comes from the palm. So what I would actually do was, I wouldn’t actually read every line, because I’d thrown that out, and then I found that actually I would get images, so I was using my clairvoyance through the palms, just because they’re a concentration of energy. So a bit like, you know, if I wanted to, I could get a crystal ball and look at that for someone, or if they’ve just handled a flower or a chair, like psychometry with holding their palms or just looking at them, and so yeah, that that was where the psychic sort of abilities were kicking in.
And so for those people that perhaps don’t know what clairvoyance is, or perhaps you could explain clairvoyance, in fact, the difference perhaps between being a clairvoyant, a clairaudient, and a clairsentient. And then tell us how, perhaps people might find it very interesting if you went into the how, how do you use that when you are looking at a palm, how does that work?
So, clairvoyance literally means clear seeing. So for me, it’s very much a case of what, well first I’ll answer Part A of your question and then Part B.
Thank you Patsy, sorry it was a long question.
The difference, so clairvoyance literally means clear seeing, so this is where we will see information that comes to us. So, for some people and for me, it’s a bit like watching a movie, so where I was talking about there, you know, I’d have clairvoyance in someone’s palm, then I would literally have images that would come to my mind, or that would play in front of my eyes, a bit like a movie, that would really just be working with the energy in their palm. So clairvoyance in mediumship of course, if you’re a clairvoyant medium, then you see those in spirit, and will, you know, I’ll see them, say if I’m doing a demonstration, they will literally walk along and so I’ll describe what they are wearing, what they would like, you know, to share with me, the colour of the dog, all of that, if it’s dark, light, spotted, that kind of thing, so clairvoyance in that sense. So really seeing, using your psychic abilities, and it can often appear like a movie if it comes to me, if I’m looking at a palm, in mediumship I’ll see the relative or the important communicator in spirit standing behind the sitter or my recipient, so clairvoyance clear seeing. Clairaudience, clear hearing. So where information will come to me, especially in a mediumship reading, and often I will have it shouted to me. So you sort of hear, you hear information and it is slightly different, I’m sure that you know as well, it’s slightly different to hearing someone out there shouting at us, or dog out there like the dog that just went past barking at us, it’s sort of a little bit closer. It could sometimes be a whisper, sometimes a shout, sometimes I do have those in spirit, like I say literally shouting at me and shouting their name at me because I haven’t quite managed to serve them as well as I may have liked to. So literally clairaudience, clear hearing, and so whether it’s whispers or shouts. Clairsentience where we feel, we sense. And you know, we can have clairsentient knowingness of course, so claircognisance as well, a bit of a mix of the two, where we sense and feel and just know, we just know. So in the same way, if someone said to me, how do you get from here to Boots the shop? We don’t have them here, but let’s pretend we’re in England. And for anyone in the States listening, it’s a shop. So if someone said to me, how do you get to Boots, you just know. And you say, you turn left there, turn right, turn left, go round the roundabout three times and turn left again. So clairsentience, clear sensing, claircognisance clear knowing, knowingness, where you simply know the information. And it’s a very, you know in the same way if I can describe that, you know, well how do you get to Boots? Well you just know. And so that feeling, if you think about it, if you ask yourself how do you walk from here to the living room? Well you know and if you just tap into that feeling of that knowingness, then with experience, we know when we know, within a mediumship connection of course, or in a psychic sense.
That’s a really good explanation.
Thank you.
I find it sometimes quite difficult to explain it to people so succinctly but that’s really wonderful. Thank you for sharing that, Patsy. So let’s go to your astrology then if that’s okay. How then, after you started to read palms for people, where did you go from there, can you cast your mind back?
Yes, well the interest in astrology came in around about at the age of 14, so that was…
Oh it was parallel, as well ?
Yes it was parallel and that was partly again because of my father’s books. But also for me, being a bit of a researcher, I like to research how things work. I decided around that age, that there were certain things that had a pattern, so for example, the sun comes up, sun goes down. Moon has its phases. We tend to want to have 3 meals a day especially when you are at school, you know, you have your school dinner then you get home and have another one. Then other things would happen, where for example, they didn’t have that same pattern, such as no-one would ring me for two weeks or something
and I would start feeling very dejected, and then all of a sudden I would get four phone calls on the same day. Or there wouldn’t be any parties for months and then everything would happen on the same day and you could only go to one. So I did start thinking well, what’s the pattern with that? You know, because there’s other patterns that are really obvious as I say, like the sun and the moon and just appetites, all sorts of things that we can think about, and so I thought well there must be a pattern to do with, again traffic for example, you know so this was phone calls, why don’t, why do I get phone calls at 9 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon and 6 at night? Why do we get no buses for 3 hours and then 4 turn up? I mean we do know, obviously we have free will, people can ring me when they want and a bus can get stuck in traffic but I did feel I should probably have a look into this. And so I found astrology had a lot of the answers. And interestingly enough, when we look at the phases or the cycles of Mercury, the planet Mercury which rules communications and traffic, or we might say travel, or vehicles, we can then map, oh well that’s why I got all those phone calls that day and I didn’t get any for 3 weeks. We can literally find the pattern within there you know, so that got me more and more interested and so I did take a formal course at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, but that wasn’t until sort of my mid 20’s I would say. So in between say the age of 18 and mid 20’s, I was a very devout Buddhist and spent those 5 years meditating. You know, and much of the information you receive when you go into those altered states through meditations and the transmissions from your teacher, your lama, are actually psychic transmissions. So, working in many different ways and many different forms, just developing I guess in the bigger term, spirituality and understanding of what on earth are we doing and what on earth is going on?
Yeah, I think that is our total quest isn’t it? All of us in this field, trying to learn more and more and more and uncover more about how we operate and communicate with each other. So you had your qualification from the Faculty of Astrological studies in London and what did you do with that then?
I did finish a diploma course, the qualifications I got more from uni, from a degree in French and German literature and then a Master of Arts in French literature and then I started a PhD in French literature, specifically surrealist theory, which I didn’t finish. You see, the wonderful way that everything fits together is just incredible, because really what happened when I was studying my French & German literature initially with that degree, was I had to study, I think it was 17th and 18th century plays and theatre and philosophy, all that sort of thing and a lot of that was then based on Greek mythology. So I’m getting to the connection any minute now. The astrological, not even astrological, the planets are named after Greek gods. So basically I spent a good few years studying Greek mythology, Roman mythology and philosophical thought, and basically then when that connected with my astrology studies, that information of the mythology which is looking at particular archetypes, and not only life paths but also behavioural archetypes, informed me to a very deep degree about the astrological properties of planets that had been named by astronomers many thousands of years ago and astrologers, because it was only until relative recently that astrology and astronomy split. Because they were always one and the same. If you were an Astrologer you were an Astronomer as well. It was only really around the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, that the two split into separate studies. I hope that answered your question.
I’m fascinated, I’m so fascinated, please keep going.
So yeah, that’s what happened really, was that all the studies were all converging, you know, so where we might sort of think so what has a degree in French or you know, a Master of Arts in Surrealist Theory, what has that got to do with astrology or mediumship, in any way, shape or form, but it does all, you know, especially when we look back at the various twists and turns in the past that we take, they do always add up to , especially when we are conscious that we are on a spiritual quest, they do all most definitely add up to that wonderful coincidences, which may appear to be very, very different and very separate avenues of study. They do all overlap and bring this sense of understanding.
Astronomy and astrology have split as separate studies, so can you succinctly say what is astronomy and what is astrology now then?
So astronomy is the study of the physical properties of planets, stars, etc., astrology is the study of how these planets, stars, celestial bodies affect us on earth. So we very much, where this split was when Copernicus discovered that the sun is the centre of the universe and not the earth. So of course until that time everyone believed the earth was the centre of the universe therefore we are, therefore, everything affects us, turning everything revolves around us, we are the, you know, the sort of lens through which everything is seen. When Copernicus proved, well no, actually, the sun is the centre of the universe, science, well astrology and astronomy split, because astronomy wanted to then say, oh no, so that means we can be objective. We can look at the solar system from the outside, so we no longer interpret, we no longer see how it affects us, we can just look at how, you know, the physical properties of the planets, the origins of the universe perhaps, you know, what these planets are made of, it’s all very fascinating, sort of thing. Whereas astrology very much was still looking at, despite the fact that the sun is physically in the centre of the solar system, very much looking at, well how do the physical properties and the positions they are in at various different times in in their orbits, how do they affect us here on earth, you know, and there is a degree of interpretation involved in that. But it is, both of them really very much began as an empirical science, they were very much based in, I’m going to look, I’m going to study, I’m going to notice and then I’m going to write down what happened. So we had a full moon, it’s a good time to plant tomatoes, at a new moon, Aunt Jemima goes wandering off with the ducks every time, whichever it may be. We can write all that down and realise over many, many thousands of years and we’ve got documented evidence going back, even to, I think it’s 13,000 BC in a cave in the South of France, where we found a bison horn, you know, sort of a cave painting of a bison horn it was considered to be, but may well be the moon, Crescent moon with 13 lines in it, and you know, so we have 13 Luna months, so that was already a kind of a calendar, and we can go back 3,000 years to Babylonian, the 1st horoscopes. So, you know, thousands of years of study and observation, that has all come together to work out well this is what happens when the moon rises over there, and that’s what happens when the sun sets over there, and you’ve got that big red dot next to it, oh, its Mars. So when Mars is close to the sun these kind of things happen, you know, Joey gets really angry, so we better keep an eye on that, that kind of thing, so all being you know tabulated over thousands of years. So, not sure how an astronomer would explain. Perhaps an astronomer would say no, we don’t just look at the physical properties but that’s really where it split, where it was deemed really in the age of reason look, we can’t interpret any more, we can’t have wishey washey ideas about how this affects us, we need to be able to prove with mathematics and measurements, that this is how it is, and we’re not really worried about what Joey feels like when we’ve got Mars in that part of the, you know, because there was a bit too much of a leap of interpretation rather than cold hard fact. I do believe astronomy and astrology will link again as we all advance, and we will realise there’s no such thing as objective certainty, that you know, we are always going to be the lens through which we look at things. But for now astronomy and astrology have separated.
Patsy, it’s fascinating I’m learning so much and I’m sure everybody listening is as well. When someone comes to see you then for a reading, how do you use your astrology?
Generally people will, well I’ll ask them right at the start, do you prefer, would you prefer an astrology reading, would you prefer a psychic reading, would you prefer a mediumship reading, any specific you know, preference and sometimes people already book in and they’ll say I would like a 20 page Astrological Report and one hour consultation, so you know, that’s what I provide and away they go. Where it is sort of a general person who hasn’t really and hasn’t perhaps thought about for themselves or who doesn’t know that there are these many different ways that we can read and gain insight and guidance for people, then I tend to work initially clairvoyantly, where I will have a look at the bigger picture at what’s going on for people, you know, behind what they already know that’s going on. The main astrological point I will use where we don’t need to know your time of birth. You see a lot of people don’t know their time of birth, so they can’t say, oh I want my chart drawn up. And I will look at one astrological point called the Moon’s North Node, which will tell us very much what our spiritual path is here on earth now. It’s again, it’s a kind of an archetype, there are 12 and then and then we get, if I do look at the chart, we can get other types of influences that add to that, that gives us more insight into the spiritual path. But astrologically I tend to, even if someone would like a psychic reading, which I see as a spiritual reading, then I will suggest if you like, we can have a look at your spiritual path and purpose in life, that when we are consciously aware of what that path is, then we can consciously walk that path obviously, and realise which doors open and life becomes so much more rewarding when we are consciously connected with what it is that we’re doing here.
And what would that 20, if you did a 20 page report for somebody, what would be on all those 20 pages?
So on the 20 pages of an Astrology Report, I would deconstruct, I would literally take them apart astrologically. I would, I would tell them, you know, well you have sun in Virgo in the first house, and this is what this means. You have the moon in Sagittarius in the 12 house, what this means. Then, because people are really fascinated by that and even what is a house, you know? Because everyone has heard that song, when the moon is in the 7th house..
and love is all around. So everyone wants to know about houses, they’re fascinated. So I will take people apart into all their separate components astrologically, because so each planet and the sun obviously is a star, the moon is the moon, not a planet and then there are other astrological points like the moons North Node. I’ll speak a little bit about them separately and then bring everything together. So basically an astrologer’s job is to bring together many, many, many hundreds, if we, if we look at many different levels, maybe to begin with just 10s, of pieces of information, bring them all together which is then the person of course, they’re not all separate bits and explain that these are your separate components, when they all work together in this way, these are the kinds of talents you have and natural gifts, so these are wonderful things so really spend more time developing these if you can, if you would like to. These are the possible pitfalls, so you know, the good thing about pitfalls or challenges or tense areas of our lives, is that we can work on them, and find purpose in having overcome things. So you know, we can, I can take those apart, and say well these are the components of that and that tendency or that pattern you have in your life, so this is a great way to work with that, and overcome it, or to anticipate the kind of outcome that certain behavioural patterns may result in, and then basically also look at transit so transits are where the planets where they are today, have an effect on us, on all of us, that’s the basic tenant of astrology of course, but we can look at the details of how that’s affecting each individual, by mapping where the planets are today, onto the chart of where the planets are when they were born. And then we can actually time as well, so that’s how predictions come in. So initially we can say, well I see that you have a Jupiter transit of your natal moon, so this can mean very strong emotions coming up, for example, depending on their natal chart. And then we can also look at, for example, people might say yeah, but when am I going to meet my husband to be, or when am I going to get the job, when am I going to move? And so we can map forward and say well these are the dates where you’re most likely to move, these are the dates where you likely to meet someone, so definitely, if you want to meet someone don’t sit at home, as they don’t knock on your door. Go somewhere with like-minded people coz the this is when the doors are opening. This is when things can happen. So it can be incredibly useful for people with planning. I do, I have worked quite a lot with people planning families, you know, who perhaps have started IVF or have to, you know, resort to all sorts of different attempts to start a family and working very much with all of this is when a window is going to open, this could be a good time for IVF, this this could be, you know, not such a good time. And there’s some very good news recently, where one of my clients announced that you know she’s passed the three month mark in her pregnancy and yeah.
Aw, congratulations goes to that couple, that’s wonderful. That’s really fascinating Patsy, all of this. So when did you start to study mediumship and psychic work? I mean, you have obviously been always psychic and always mediumistic from your early experiences, but when did you go and study that aspect of your work?
So to seriously study it consciously, as a medium, as opposed to, like I was saying with the, in my late teens early 20s where I was working a lot with meditation and Tibetan-type yogic practices, when I actually, which actually when I look back, a lot of those meditations are exactly what we use as mediums, or that we help to train our mind to become very clear, but in, as a distinction to that, so consciously deciding that’s it, I would like to develop these skills, would have been in 2011. So not that long ago to actually have started the formal process of right that’s it, I want to know how this is done, kind of thing. So what’s that nine years ago? Oh that’s 10 years ago now.
Yes amazing. Because I met you once upon a time didn’t I, in the corridor of the Arthur Finley College, when we were both there. That was a few years ago now, gosh we miss that place!
Isn’t it, oh I know, me too. It’s such a beautiful place and just, it just makes me so happy that it exists, you know.
Yeah, yeah, such a beautiful place and it’s quite difficult when you’re there, because the weeks are so intense. You’re learning from 9 in the morning till 9 at night – meet someone like yourself – Patsy let’s get together let’s try and have a chat – and it’s just trying to find the time within that time frame is like, ah…
It is as you say, a very intense experience but one that you never forget of course. And again it’s always like woah, I just want to soak up the wonderful residue, this psychic residue almost of all those wonderful people who have walked those corridors as well, you know, just experiencing it, you know, just sensing or just feeling very enriched and at home.
You do, you feel very at home, don’t you, and the energy of the place and the smell of the place and like you say the landscape outside when you just go walking, yeah it’s a beautiful, beautiful place to go and learn. Patsy do you have a sort of an exercise that people could do at home that they might be able to predict something or use astrology in some way?
Yes, well a very straight forward one that everyone can do, because we all know when there’s a full moon, you know, is to just keep an eye on, what do I feel like during a full moon? You know, a lot of people can’t sleep, a lot of people can sleep incredibly well, a lot of people might feel particularly intuitive or they might feel particularly anxious. So, really almost a bit in the same way that we might keep a dream diary, you know, we might keep an astrology diary or a full moon diary. And then, you know, mapping for yourself depending on which sign it’s in, you know, what are the kinds of things that happen when we’ve got a full moon in Aries, what are the kinds of things that happen, you know, the following month when it’s full moon in Taurus. And the same we can do new moons very, very easy and straight forward. And then, you know, you will discover that there’s a pattern, you know, we might feel particularly as I say, very intuitive during one particular full moon, or the new moon, but similarly with Mercury retrograde phases, keeping an eye on, is this a particularly difficult time for me? Some people find it very difficult. Or is this actually a time where my mediumship improves, or a time where I always get in touch with my old friends or they get in touch with me? You know there are many different ways that these celestial events can affect us and in very individual ways, so yeah, so I would suggest that kind of thing with astrology, just to gain that incite of well this is how I feel when that happens. I actually had one of my tutors who, astrology tutors, who she, I think she would have, she was a Cancerian, so sometime Cancer, and which is ruled by the moon, and she used to wear the colours of the moon sign that the moon was in, because it changes signs every two days depending on which sign it was in. Because she discovered that if she wore white or silver clothes when the moon was in Cancer then she just felt happy as she felt more In sync with things, you know, when the moon was in Aries, should wore bright red and fair enough, everyone sat up and listened to her. So definitely it does really come down to observation. How it is for you personally and then moving forward with that.
Wow, I’m gonna try that definitely, put on my colours and see how I feel. What, you also, before we finish, I know that you’re a writer and you write for you write horoscope columns for newspapers and magazines etc., but I also know that you create and publish and write Astrology Diaries and they are now in their fifth year of publication. Tell us about those Patsy and how they might assist us?
So basically what I do with the Astrology Diaries is, well they are first of all they are Diaries so you can use them as planners. And why do is I interpret the astrological situation or circumstances for each day. So where for example in general we might say that the full moon in Libra suggests that we may find a good time to find more balance in our lives, that kind of thing.. On the same day there may well be, the full moon may be conjunct or in alignment with Mars from this perspective, and so, so that will have a bearing on, on the outcome or the general mood of that day and therefore the kinds of actions you may take. So I explain those very briefly and very succinctly, otherwise there would be no room for you to write your notes. So I just sort of write in , you know, a great day for business financial meetings, or you, lovely day for romance or a great time to start a new sports or fitness routine. And so just as a general guide for people to have a look at and then it just has a little bit of a blog before that, a little bit of a summary of what the planets are doing that month and how that might affect that particular sun sign. So just really guides to each day of the year but also a little summary right at the start of the kinds of things we might expect that year, just, yeah, so that’s, that comes out yearly and so far, yeah it’s, it’s, been well received.
Yeah it’s fabulous Patsy. And if somebody wanted to go and purchase it, where would they find one?
So the Astrology Diary, I actually have one specifically for the northern hemisphere, because I asked in Australia in the southern hemisphere there’s two issues, two editions, one for the northern hemisphere, which you would get, in England, so you can get it in any major bookseller, and you can get it online as well, so Amazon etc., or you know, your regular places, and southern hemisphere one here in Australia, or our regular bookshops and in America online, and also in their various different bookshops. There you would get the northern hemisphere addition as well. There’s another book, do you want to hear about the new book?
Yes we do Patsy, tell us about that.
So there is a new book coming out, and it will explain in more detail, because we tend to have that general information about, this is what a full moon means in this time, and this is what a new moon means and that is what Mercury retrograde means, for everyone in general, but of course we’re all individuals. So my new book which will be late out later this year, without giving too much away, because it’s still in production, will look more specifically at what will the celestial events mean for us individually, according to our sun sign. So rather than just according to nothing, which is often, you will say, Oh the full moon means this, it’s not according, there’s no reference point. So, we do actually have a reference point with the new book coming out and yes, because I thought, well do you know what, it is very important that that we know that the full moon for one person, is likely to mean something very different to someone else. Otherwise we’d all be walking around like automatons, just all doing exactly the same thing on the same day at the same time, which is clearly not the case.
And what is the name of the new book?
It is called … and I’m not even sure if I’m meant to be …
Oh, … don’t say it, so okay, so you work in progress…
I can give you the name or something else though, it’s incredibly busy year two other projects one is a series of sunshine books you know so Aries, Taurus, Gemini with predictions for each day of the year. That’s coming out in September this year, so it will be available around the world. That came out initially in 2020, we didn’t do one for 2021, because of various logistics to do with shipping and what have you this last year, but that came out in September this year for 2022.
Then the Zodiac reading cards, the Oracle cards, are being re launched as the Zodiac moon reading cards in March.
So these are cards, these are Zodiac cards that you’ve created Patsy?
And how do we use those?
So that’s an Oracle card deck, it initially came out three years ago as Zodiac reading cards, and basically so we can use them like an Oracle deck, and just to gain guidance every day. We can literally just shuffle them, pick one card if we like, or three, or ten, and, but generally we can use them, it is based on predictive astrology. So we have cards for new moons, full moons, and eclipses and that can actually help you to understand a little bit about that kind of energy around those celestial events, you know, if you’re studying astrology but also if you just want to use them as an Oracle deck, then they tend to very cleverly, of their own accord, completely separate from how I had ever intended, give you this wonderful insight. So they’ve impressed me the most I think, because they work in all sorts of interesting ways.
What a wonderful tool. Well that’s really great what, I’ll do is I’ll put the resources, you can give me the URL’s for people to get hold of those, and I’ll put them in the show notes for this programme which will be available on my website. Before we finish, if people want to come to you for a reading, how do they find you?
So they will find me through my website which is www.patsybennett.com
And that’s bennett nn tt?
Yes, Patsy with a y.
And if they are in Australia, the same but also www.astrocast.com.au There are all the links there for making bookings or you can email me or ring me.
Patsy it’s been so brilliant talking to you, you have shared just so much with the listeners here today and I have learned an incredible amount. I’m going straight out to buy your Astrology Diaries, so that I can plan my year ahead and I’m going to be looking into the colours that I’m wearing and just see if I can’t enhance my life in that way as well. Patsy what does the next week hold for you? Are you busy this week coming up, this next month?
Yes, very, very busy. But I do like being busy. As they say, if you work at what you love, then you don’t do a day’s work in your life and I have to say, I’m incredibly grateful that I’m able to work in fields that interest me very deeply, and I love nothing more than working with people as well, you know, to bring either mediumship connections through, or just to gain that insight about themselves and the best way forward. So, yes, very busy and also writing as well, the new books, a very busy year, a very busy week, but all is well. Thank you so much for having me on.
Gosh it’s such a pleasure. We can just tell your passion for your topic when you speak about it and you have got so much knowledge and just thank you Patsy so much, on behalf of everybody and myself, for so generously sharing that with us today.
Oh you’re welcome and thank you for doing your podcasts, they are wonderful and fantastic and all the best for the rest of the year and I’m sure we’ll catch up before the end of it.
We will Patsy. Thank you again.
Thank you, all the best. Goodbye.
Patsy Bennett there everybody – an incredibly talented lady. Please do buy her Astrology Diaries and use them to plan out a hugely successful 2021 for yourselves.
All the show notes for this episode, including a complete transcript plus resources and links for everything mentioned can be found on my website www.anntheato.com so do head over there and pick those up. You can take a quick look while you’re there at a couple of training courses I have coming up – there’s two on Tarot and one fabulous Group Past Life Regression Journey with me.
Also hold onto your hats because later on this year, I’m launching a school, called Ann Theato’s CLASS – Centre for Learning And Spiritual Studies – where you will be able to download many different classes to learn at home, in your own time.
For now, I want to thank you everybody for being fantastic listeners, I really do appreciate each one of you. We are now a year old and have reached almost 15,000 downloads of this podcast worldwide which is an incredible achievement and one of which I’m really proud. I could not have done it without you. Thank you for your support. Wherever you are in the world – my name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to Psychic Matters.