EPISODE 034: Trust Your Soul with Kerry Standfast
Apr 22, 2021
My special guest this week is Kerry Standfast – Psychic Medium and Spiritual Tutor.
The key to developing communication with the spirit world lies in understanding the power of our own soul. Spirit communication involves surrendering the mind, letting go of logic, and igniting the power and spirit of you. We do this by stepping in to our higher self & soul power and by allowing spirit communicators to blend with our mind. In this episode, Psychic Medium Kerry Standfast, explains the mechanics of mental mediumship.
This Week’s Episode
My special guest this week is Psychic Medium & Spiritual Tutor, Kerry Standfast, who explains the mechanics of mental mediumship and the importance of understanding the power of our own soul.
Episode 034 Resources
Here are some resources referred to in Episode 034, which you may find helpful.
- Kerry Standfast Website
- Kerry Standfast Facebook
- Instagram @kerrystandfastmedium
- Swanage Beach Ride
- Westcliff SNU Church & Centre
- Natalie Walker
- Lisa Williams
- Spirit & Destiny Magazine
About Psychic Matters Podcasts
Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.
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PM 034
My special guest this week is Kerry Standfast – Psychic Medium and Spiritual Tutor.
The key to developing communication with the spirit world lies in understanding the power of our own soul. Spirit communication involves surrendering the mind, letting go of logic, and igniting the power and spirit of you. We do this by stepping in to our higher self & soul power and by allowing spirit communicators to blend with our mind. In this episode, Psychic Medium Kerry Standfast, explains the mechanics of mental mediumship.
You’ll Learn
Why we are guided by Divine Timing
Why challenging life experiences enable you to help others
What Platform Mediumship is
The benefits of continual spiritual development
The key to developing communication with the spirit world
The difference between sitting in the power and sitting in meditation
How to separate the conscious mind from the soul self
What is the neuroscience behind mediumship
How changing our vibration can benefit us
Why mediumship takes dedication and nurturing
The importance of personal responsibility
Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 34.
Have you ever wondered how Mediumship actually works? It is a question I often get asked – how can you train to be a medium? Isn’t someone just born that way? How can you learn how to do it? I thought you had to be gifted, or born with the gift. I didn’t know you could go and train in it. Can I do it? How does it actually work?
Well, on your behalf, I’ve been chatting to Psychic Medium & Spiritual Tutor, Kerry Standfast, who talked with me about the mechanics of mental mediumship. Kerry explains that the key to developing communication with the spirit world lies in understanding the power of our own soul. Spirit communication involves surrendering the mind, letting go of logic, and igniting the power within and the spirit of you. We do this by stepping in to our higher self – our soul power and by allowing spirit communicators to blend with our mind & soul self.
I really hope you enjoy this episode – let me know over on the Psychic Matters Group, Facebook page!
I’m here in the Psychic Matters Studio with a fantastic psychic medium and spiritual tutor and she’s here to talk to us today Kerry Standfast, welcome to Psychic Matters.
Hello and hello everybody, amazing to be here and thank you so much for inviting me to just chat and talk with you, it’s amazing.
Yes, we’re just going to chat all things psychic and spiritual and thank you Kerry for giving up your day off to come on the show.
You’re welcome. Any chance to speak about something I’m so passionate about I’m absolutely there and I can talk to you all day if you want, Ann!
Then that would be really great lovely, I’m in! So let’s go back to the beginning of your journey with spirituality Kerry, how, because people find it very interesting, some people come to the world of psychic and mediumship much, much later in their lives. Some have seen spirit from early age. What was your personal journey?
Okay, it is quite interesting to be honest, because I do remember when I was quite young, I would see the spirit world. At the time I didn’t really understand that they were spirit, and it wasn’t until I was about six years old my Nan, my Nan was a great spiritualist, and I would go and see my nan of a weekend, stay with my Nan and me and my nan would have many conversations about the spirit world, she took me to some of the spiritual churches as well, and we would just talk about, you know, spirits and things like this, and it really intrigued me, interested, I found a massive interest. And then when I was about 13, and I remember it distinctly, I went to, do you know Swanage in the UK?
Yes I do. I galloped a racehorse across Swanage beach.
Yes. Not purposefully – it ran off with me!
Oh my gosh!
So I do know Swanage!
Oh how strange is that! So, I was at Swanage for the weekend with my dad and they have the most wonderful little quaint shops there. And I remember going into this shop, and my dad give me some pocket money, and I went into the shop and I came out with these cards. And my dad went, what have you got there? And I went ‘tarot cards’. And I was 13. And he was like, Kerry what are tarot cards? And I went, well I don’t know but they look really pretty, you know. And then it all sort of really started sort of, the psychic aspect started to transpire from that age. And then I actually turned my back on the whole lot when I was about 18, stopped everything, and lived life if you like.
Why? Why was that? Why did you turn your back on it at 18?
Life was quite chaotic and I was desperately trying to find myself, if I’m honest, and I’ve always felt that there was a void missing within my heart, and for many years I never understood what that was, so I lived life and I lived a life of understanding, and quite challenging experiences, let’s put it that way. And then it wasn’t until I had my, I had my son when I was 24, and then at the age of 24 once my son was born, everything came flooding back, and the doorway really opened up to the spirit world for me. I had a friend that passed, and my son was, when he was two, my son would continuously speak to my friend and he had never even known of him. And I actually want to say that it was my friend as well that helped me when they passed, to open up that doorway for me. And you know what, I can honestly say to you, that’s when I went, my very first time of going into a development circle, and once I went into circle, I’ll never forget the day, it was on Canvey Island and I went to my circle on Canvey, and I came out, sat in my car, and I cried. And I remember crying. I got really emotional because it felt like the very first time I fitted in anywhere.
I’d finally found my path. I’ve never forgotten it. It was really quite, it was life changing. And I didn’t quite understand why I was there, or what, you know, I was meant to be doing, but something just felt right. So, and then it sort of just carried on and I remember, I remember being so desperate, that I couldn’t wait a whole week till the next circle, because they would be weekly, so I joined another circle. And I sat in development circle twice a week for years, absolutely years, and it just sort really started to, you know, open up, but I’m going to be honest with you Ann, I never went into circle anticipating to be a medium or a psychic, I just went to circle because it was my calling card from my heart, and it just felt right. Never once did I think I would be a medium or a psychic, or even a teacher now, you know, so I just think sometimes we are just guided. I know we’re just absolutely guided to go to where we are meant to be, it is all about divine timing and I do believe I was, you know, I had to step away from it from at a young age, because there was a lot of things in life I needed to experience, to be able to help others and to understand other people as well. Without them experiences, I don’t feel I could help as many people as what I do today, if that makes sense.
It does make sense, because a lot of psychics and mediums who work professionally, have had enormously challenging life, well, life challenges to cope with and deal with.
Yeah, yeah, and it’s not until you actually so get to know this, and get to know other mediums that you do think, oh my gosh, you know, they’ve been through so much, but I do feel that, that seems to resonate with a lot of people, to be fair, and it is through the life’s experiences and understanding, that we can then help others within their journey.
Yeah exactly. And you talked about your friend who passed away to the spirit world several years ago now, many years ago, and you said that they helped you open the door. Can you say how that was?
It was interesting, it was through their determination to make their presence known to me. My son would be continuously speaking to them, and then I’m, I remember standing in the hallway just looking through my son’s bedroom door, my son would be sitting up in bed chatting away to my friend, you know, and I was like, oh my gosh what’s happening here? And then as we know, you know, spirit have a wonderful way of you know, sort of manipulating electricity with your lights and TVs and things like this, and yeah, that all started to happen on a regular basis. I’m talking daily. My lights would be going on and off and flickering in my hallway, and I was like oh my gosh, and I actually got a medium to come round and she said to me, Kerry it is now time to wake up to your own spiritual pathway. And I was like, what you talking about, as such, you know. She said because you know, you can do this, and I was like really? And she’s like yeah, and this is what’s happening. And then I went to circle and, and funny enough, it is interesting, I remember sitting in circle and we were taken into this guided space, the very first night and I was expecting, I don’t know what I was expecting to be fair, but I was thinking, Oh my God, who, my friend is gonna turn up and chat with me, but it wasn’t, it was actually my nan.
Yeah, it was my nan and it was quite emotional, yeah quite emotional, and she’s sort of really took me into wonderful space and you know, and we had this wonderful communication, yeah, yeah, and what was interesting was, at the beginning, I felt my nan was my guide, but I now come to recognise Ann, that sometimes when we very first take our first steps into spiritualism, because of us having to understand and gain that trust, it’s almost like we have our family or our friends come in at the very beginning aspect of our journey to make us feel safe.
And my Nan was with me for a couple of months and then she said now it’s time to meet your real guide, yeah, and then it all sort of changed, you know, but that was my experience anyway but I I’ve heard this several times that people, especially when I teach, a lot of my students very first of all they see one of their relatives and then that opens that doorway for them, and it gives some sense of security.
And then once you establish that security, you know that it’s safe and you’re fine and you’re not going to come to any harm, you know, then your, your, your guides then, you allow them to step in and to completely work with you.
Yeah that’s true, and so you got to your 20s, you 24, mid 20s, you were in this development circle and the second development circle, developing away, and then how does one make the leap to become a professional psychic medium? What happened? How did that happen?
Well that’s an interesting question, because I will, I can honestly say to you, I sat in development circle – two – for about 10 to 12 years. So, I was a bit maybe a bit of a late starter in actually stepping out and to actually being a medium, and I found, I found it really hard to actually say to people, I’m a psychic medium.
I found that really quite challenging.
But for me, Ann, I like to know the ins and outs of everything. I’m somebody that can’t do anything half-heartedly, I have to fully understand the mechanics of me, and I feel that’s really important. So I sat for about 10 to 12 years in this development, twice a week, and I would also go on weekend development courses, workshops, seriously if there was a workshop going, I was there.
I always, I was hungry for this, really hungry for this, it was like, I just knew in my soul that there was like a calling and I just followed that. And then all of a sudden, I was just, I remember going to circle and she said to me come on Kerry, I’m going to take you out on the platform and I was like, really? And she was like, Kerry – 12 years? Come on!
And I never forget my very first platform was done at Westcliff SNU
And just explain for those that maybe not don’t know what platform means.
So platform mediumship is where you actually go into a church, normally a church service and you are up on the rostrum and you will do a beautiful evening of divine messages from your friends and family as a medium and deliver that to the audience. And that brings amazing healing to others, and it also brings evidence that the, you know, that the soul is continuous, the existence. So my very first church service, talk about going in at the deep end, it was Westcliff, Hildaville, Hildaville Road, Drive, I believe it was called, and it was Westcliff SNU church, which if anyone knows of the SNU churches they are quite regulated and rightly so, as well. Yeah, so I remember going up there and I remember thinking, oh my gosh, what am I doing? I was petrified, absolutely petrified, a hole, every being of me was like shaking. And so I’ve done the demonstration with my circle member and then when we finished they actually asked me to book me on my own. I was like, oh my gosh, on my own, really? Yeah, and that’s when it all just started, and you know for me, I actually feel, and I feel quite passionate about this as well, is I sat in the development for quite a long time, and don’t get me wrong, I still sit in my own development.
Because I truly believe that we continue to evolve, so does spirit. The spirit world is constantly changing, our world is constantly changing. We have to continually sit in our own space and we have to still learn to develop, to keep that vibration of understanding for that communication with spirit. Yeah, so I, so anyway I went back and she booked me again, and, and that’s how it aspired really, but it was only the fact of one of my other circle members that invited me to go out with her and I feel that that’s really important. So, and I actually feel that there’s a part of that that’s missing within spirituality nowadays. I see a lot of students going on to different courses and doing these different courses and things, but not a lot of people are willing to take them out there, to demonstrate and to help encourage their ability, their ability, their gift, yeah and that means a lot to me, I’m quite passionate about that, because that’s exactly how it was for me.
And it does make a massive difference. I remember one of my tutors, who you know very well, Natalie Walker, she took me out Once Upon a time, to a the spiritualist church, and it made such a difference that somebody made the effort to stand with you and help you, and allow you to safely try out your mediumship in a church setting, it was it was really, really, really, beneficial so I hear what you’re saying.
Yeah absolutely, and Natalie is an amazing medium, I love Natalie, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, she’s fabulous.
Yeah, I actually sat in her circle for a period of time, as well.
But absolutely, Ann, it’s so important just to have that support and that guidance to help you to expand, you know, with your gifts.
And people listening they might be saying okay, so you go onto the platform, you’re, you’re, at you’re doing a demonstration of mediumship, but how does it work? How does that actually work? That’s a question I get asked an awful lot, how can you speak to people who are in the spirit world? How do they communicate?
Oh wow, OK this is my favourite subject, you can have me here all day now! The key, the absolute key to the development of the communication with spirit, is understanding the power. And when we talk about the power, some people get that confused with meditation. Meditation and the power very different aspects, different modalities of working. I believe meditation is for the here and now and for the brain to allow life, coz life life can be challenging at times, so meditation we all need some of that to help us to sustain more peace, within this life. However, when we step into the power, and this is my belief okay, when we step into power we ignite, we ignite that spark of energy that resides within us. Now that energy is connected to our mind, and I believe our mind and the brain are separated. So the brain for me is associated to the physical body, it is where the mind is associated to the spiritual aspect of us. So it’s about the surrender of the mind and letting go of the logic of the brain. So we go into that power that resides within our heart, we ignite that power, that energy, and we have to understand and believe and know that we are so much more than just a human being. We are a spiritual being, and some people believe, sometimes some people don’t understand that when we talk about spirit, people automatically think in the spirit world, but we’re also spirit. So it is igniting that spirit of you, and then we stand into our energy, into our higher self, if you like, and then once we surrender into our higher self, that’s when we then are prepared for the demonstration of mental mediumship. And again, it is about blending your mind with the spirit world, so it is blending mind to mind for mental mediumship and it is all about the energy exchange. And I really feel, it takes me back again to the basics here Ann, that we have to really study and understand the mechanics of us and who we are. Because without that, if we don’t understand our own energy and who we are as a spiritual being, we cannot then understand the communication with the spirit world, because we have to understand of when that shift takes place. So for anyone out there who is listening, I do want to suggest that it’s really important for you to continuously work on yourself, even I do. I still have to continually work myself. Life can be challenging, we all experienced life’s challenges and things like this, stuff happens in life, but we have to make time out for ourselves to constantly evolve and understand our own spirit. And it’s then that we can make the two worlds unite together.
And so when spirit come close and they blend with your mind, how does that work? For those listening that maybe don’t understand how spirit can then blend with your mind?
So it’s about again, the art of surrender, okay? So we’re separating, we’re separating the brain and the mind okay, and it’s almost like going into that mind space, and it’s almost like allowing yourself to, you when you go into, I remember doing this when I was a child all the time, you’re go into that daydream space and it’s like going into that daydream aspect, and then it’s becoming aware and heightening and allowing your awareness to the spirit world, but also inviting them. I believe they have to be invited, okay? That’s how I work, you know, I will invite the spirit world to join them and then it’s allowing the mind to mind to come into into place OK, and allowing the memories, and to come into into the mind space, the memories from spirit come into your mind, and then actually bringing it even in a little bit more closer, and starting to transcend into a slight blend. And when we go into the blend, that’s when we can start to feel the personality of the spirit world. And I, for me, that is the ultimate truth of spirit, is the personality. Because we live in a world where, you know, we can buy coloured contact lenses we can have all gold teeth if we wish to, we can, you know, go have all this surgery, colour our house, so we can change all the physical appearance but what we cannot change is a personality. And I feel when we allow ourselves to just be in that space and allow the spirit world to work with us on a blend, which is merging your energies together not chance but just merging your energies together, it is then through them we can bring through the emotion and the feeling from that spirit.
That is a beautiful explanation thank you Kerry, for, for laying that out so clearly for everybody, that’s lovely. You said also before we began recording that you are looking into the neuroscience behind this.
Yes, it absolutely sparks and ignites something, OK, with inside me when I talk about this, because I truly believe that as a medium, there’s so much more than just the medium, mediumship aspect to us. We are within each of everyone of us, I talk about everybody now, within each and everyone of us we have this most beautiful energy that can be attained to. Within our bodies we have lots of molecules and atoms that flow through us, and these are living, living organisms with inside, with inside each molecule is an atom, okay, and I always like call it like an SD card if you like OK? It’s your powerhouse of energy, and sometimes within our bodies we have the ability to change that energy space of how we’re feeling, and I how I visualise it is through the atoms in my body, we can change and raise that vibration of that absolute core, that little tiny nucleus, OK, there’s a nucleus, and that nucleus is the complete powerhouse of energy. When we go into our power and we sit and attain into our power of energy, as our higher self or as our spiritual being, whatever you want to call it, them two are the same things OK, when we go into that space, we can raise the vibration, but it’s risen through the nucleus within our physical bodies. So we have the, I like to view it, sometimes we we have an experience in, in our lives, say we have an experience in our lives, so it’s not been great, okay, we can take that experience, analyse it, and I say we can, it’s almost like I don’t know turning it from a Word document into PDF. We can change our experience and turn it into a positive aspect and we can raise that vibration of that. So it is like taking up full control of your power and then raising that up a little bit more, does that make sense?
Yeah, yeah.
You know as well, and then it’s almost like we then start to understand that within us, we can change our vibration at any given time, we have a choice, you know some people think, oh you know, this has happened and you know, I can’t do that, change it, change that, change that process, change that process of how you feel about it by going into your physical body, and then empowering your power, and then turning and seeing and seeing and visualising all your atoms or molecules that flow so freely OK throughout the physical body, and then go into the nucleus powerhouse of each of one of them and just switch it on, switch the dynamics. Does that make sense?
Yeah, that does make sense.
Have I described that okay?
No, that sounds amazing.
It’s so hard to try and describe sometimes.
No, that’s great, that’s really good, and we’d use this what, to amp up our mediumship, to amp up our psychic, to amp up any kind of challenge we have in life?
Every aspect of us.
Every aspect of us. Whether you know, even if you’re not a psychic or a medium, you can do this. Just change and turn things around how you feel, you know, as well. And I tell you what else is really good for that is singing, you know. You think of an opera singer, an opera singer can shatter a glass through the power of voice, so it just shows you, on how you can change the vibration and extinguish any energy, and change the energy, through also the voice activation. It’s like churches many, many years ago, the, I don’t know what you all them, I can’t remember the name of it now, but in the churches, you know, you have the big grand pianos, and you have the big pillars for all the, all the music would come out of…
Oh, yeah, the organs and the organ pipes.
Yes that’s it, the organ pipes, that’s it, the pipes. Now churches many years ago, wasn’t just, they wasn’t just made for wedding music, like Here Comes The Bride just to play. Churches are beautiful spaces of healing and that’s what the organ pipes and everything was originally made for. Because you think about it, it is not like your average normal music is it, it’s very different. So people will go into the churches and just listen to that, to change their frequency of energy, but unfortunately it’s not used for that anymore.
Yeah, yeah that’s beautiful, yeah, something that we overlook and forget about.
Absolutely, yeah, and so just sitting in that power and also activating your own voice, singing from your own soul, is the most empowering thing you can do, and to change and help ignite all of them nucleuses that are flowing in your body, ignite them into an upbeat, aspect, more positive.
Love it. I love it, love it Kerry, thank you so much for sharing that with us. And talk to us then about your teaching, ‘cos I know that you’ve got the most beautiful Academy of Spirituality on your website – you offer a range of classes in a whole load of different topics, and I know also that you are a Master Teacher for Lisa Williams, so talk to us all about your teaching.
Thank you and thank you for the lovely words about the Academy as well, that’s lovely of you. I’m so excited, the Academy only got launched this year. It’s something, I’m going to be honest, Ann, I never thought I’d be able to do but with my spirit team I’ve been guided to and I’m really passionate about my work. I don’t view it as work, I just view it as it’s what I do. I eat sleep and breathe it, you know. I attended, I was invited to Lisa Williams School of Spirituality to do her Master Teachers which I done, I done and vigorous and I must say vigorous amount of training.
Oh, my gosh I have folders of work everywhere from what I had to do, and it was whole years training and I have to say, it was life changing for me, it really was life changing. I learned so much more still about myself and also of how to be the best I can be as a teacher. And for me being a tutor is about helping others to awaken to their own spiritual journey, whether it’s from beginners or whether it’s a need for someone wanting a bit of help for demonstrating mediumship okay, so it’s almost like you know a whole array of courses, from the complete beginner to the advanced, because I know what it’s like, sometimes when you’re eager to get out and work, you don’t know how, or where to go and things like this, so I create, that’s another reason why I created it. I offer different mentorships as well, because I suppose through my own experiences Ann, mediumship cannot be achieved in a weekend.
Mediumship takes time, it takes dedication, it takes nurturing, there’s so many different faculties of mediumship, it’s incredible. And so the mentorship, I do different stages of mentorship, see so it’s almost because of, I want everyone to find that passion within them, and to understands the mechanics of mediumship I suppose, and also the psychic, because when we work as a psychic it’s so important that we understand personal responsibility. Because you know, people come to you for and I’ve done it Ann, I used to go to psychics quite a lot when I was younger, you know, you want guidance, you need a little bit of a helping hand, you need a little bit of hope, you know. So when you go, when, working as a psychic, I’ve learned how important it is to understand the concepts of personal responsibility and because, you know, some people, some people need that guidance and that little bit of, they need that hope, so and I feel here, it’s really important that we understand not just us, but also a whole array of how people lead their lives as well and what is more beneficial for them, you know, and understanding that you can give that person, that hope of life, for when they leave, we they leave you from a reading. I’d like to, if it’s OK, I’d like to share something, because and it’s just, it just came into my mind and I did share this actually with Spirit & Destiny but I done a reading a little while ago and if it was a psychic reading. Now I’m going to be honest, if I’ve got someone coming for a psychic reading or a mediumship reading and they was desperate, I would choose a psychic reading because, no disrespect, but the spirit world is always going to be in the spirit world okay, the psychic is all about this life and that person’s life who’s, who’s alive, and I had this reading, and this gentleman came to me and I was shown that he was going to go and take his life. And I was like, oh my gosh, what do I do? This is huge, this is huge, you know. And as a psychic, this is why it’s so important for personal responsibility because I know that I was his last port of call, if you like, and he came to me, and I told him exactly where his intentions, what his intentions were, where he was going to go and do it and what he was gonna do. I won’t say what it was, and he was like, oh my gosh and he just, he just sobbed, absolutely sobbed. But the reason being, was because I needed him to trust me. So, he’d never had a reading and he was like how do you know this? I went because I’m psychic
Okay, and he was like oh my God, so I’ve gained his trust, so I said to him listen, these are your pathways. Because you know as a psychic, we always see there’s more than one pathway for somebody. Some people have two, some people have a few different pathways of opportunities that’ll open for them but this one particular pathway was really quite important, and I see him having custody of his children and I see him turning his life completely around. It went on more in detail than that. Anyway he left, he left mine, and I was just so hopeful that he was gonna follow what I’d suggested because I don’t ever tell people what to do cause it’s not correct, it’s, you give people a choice and eight months later, I got a phone call just saying that he was still here, he had full custody of his children, and his life was amazing. So, that’s what I, that’s in the back of my mind as to why I felt the passion for teaching.
Because of that responsibility and understanding that comes of being as a psychic or as a medium.
Yeah, yeah, and it’s a huge deal that you are a Master Teacher for Lisa Williams because there’s only two of you in the UK is there?
Yes, that’s correct, yeah, it was it was an amazing experience. I laugh because we did have a lot of fun as well. I was completely out of my comfort zone but it has been quite life changing in the fact of having structure. What Lisa’s showed me was structure of professionalism within teaching, and also, we are part of her school, so we teach as well through her school of spirituality. So there’s certain courses, each Master Teacher has a different, a different passion if you like as well, and a different forte, of what they would like to teach. So it is not just mediumship, you know. I also teach through her school a lot of the old ancient arts of divination.
And I also teach a lot of understanding or spirituality coming into one module, so it’s a little bit of like the Buddhism, Hinduism, things like this, and I teach a lot of chanting mudras and mantras, right and things like this, so yeah, so it’s all very different, not just mediumship, it’s, it’s a whole array of of what you, of your own personal experiences in life, you know. And I think, because I’ve I’ve travelled a lot around India and Asia, and I’ve learned many different concepts of religions and I’ve experienced, I’ve sat in lots of different ceremonies in India to do with Hinduism, Buddhism and things like this, so and to be able to bring a little bit of that into, into wellness I feel is incredible because it’s really empowering.
Fabulous, and your classes go all through the year, don’t they online, so if anybody wants to come and learn with you, what is your website so people can go to and have a look?
Yeah, I have different classes, I have different mentorships, I have workshops as well throughout all the duration, and my website is www.kerrystandfast.com. There’s still a lot more that needs to go on to my website, ‘cause I’ve just changed all the website over actually, yes I just sort of had to tweak and just sort of changed everything around, but I’ve got a lot more going on there, but you can always just send an email. The email address is on there and it’s [email protected].
And do you think Kerry, if the world opens up, you’ll be doing some in-person classes, you know, once Covid regulations lift?
Absolutely, absolutely, I cannot wait. I’ve, technology’s never been my strong point and when we went into the restrictions I had no choice but to really get my head around technology and Zoom and things. However it’s been amazing, but I’m very much a people’s person. I miss giving people a hug, OK, I miss that interaction on a personal level. So, I absolutely cannot wait to be teaching in person. I’ve actually got some courses that are going to be coming up within the UK within the next couple of months which is going to be in Essex, and I’m also working out in the States as well. I’m in Spain next year as well, I’ve got a few things going on over in Spain, so yeah, there will be a lot of opportunity to work with me in person, yes, ‘cause I miss that, I must admit.
I know, I really miss it as well. It’s great like you say, working on line, it’s got wonderful bonuses and it’s fabulous, you know, it has bonuses for the students coz they can work from home and that’s all great but we all do miss the interaction with each other, that is that is for sure. You have written for Spirit & Destiny magazine, can you tell us about that?
Yes, I done a reading for this lovely lady, and I didn’t know nothing about her, anyway I’ve done this lovely reading, and then at the end of the reading she said to me, I’m actually the Editor for Spirit & Destiny Magazine. Lucky she didn’t tell me that before!
I know!
I was like, oh my gosh, and she said we’d love for you to come and write in the, in the magazine. So I was like, oh my gosh, okay, thank you. So they contacted me and I went down there, I’ve done an interview in person with them and some photos and stuff. I’ve had a couple of articles that have been produced in there. I was asked to do, this interesting, I was asked to do a reading, to do with a I can’t remember what the place is, I think it’s in Kent, and it’s, it was this mansion, and people have said that they have seen spirit there and things like that. And I was asked if I could, you know, sort go there and pick up on stuff and see what’s going on. And it was really interesting, because there was a wonderful little dog, I love animals, and there was little dog that was in the spirit world, and you know, and I communicated with this dog, and yes, we can communicate with animals definitely, and I communicated with this dog, and he was telling me all about the owner and things like this and the owner was not actually who I was told it was, who actually lived there, but he was actually prior to the residency that was there before. So, it was really quite interesting, so yeah I’ve done a couple of columns for them and also for the, I believe it was The Mail newspaper. I done a write up for that as well, and was interviewed for that for the newspaper, that was interesting, that was all in regards to Covid.
In what way in regards to Covid?
I was contacted to, for what I believed about covid and had spirit had any communication regarding it. And it’s interesting Ann, because before we actually went into any lockdown, I put me and my family in lock down a month before hand.
Ah, interesting.
Yeah, and I had a lot of writings that come through from spirit prior to then, and spirit do have a tendency sometimes Ann, to get me up at 3:30 or four in the morning, you know, to do like some writings and things like that, some messages, and I say to them, guys why can’t we have a normal time schedule? And they say, Kerry, because you’re always too busy!
And that’s the time when they know they can get you – you’re quiet.
Absolutely, so, yeah, so I done an article for the newspaper about the covid and things like this, from the spirits’ perspective, you know, that was really quite interesting. So there’s, you know, the Spirit & Destiny magazine I love, they’re lovely there and you know, it’s always nice to have like a little feature in there and I actually, my students that have been ready that have been on mentorships I’ve actually put my students forward, and a lot of them have actually had now interviews with Spirit & Destiny magazine as well.
Oh, that’s fabulous.
Yeah ‘cause I just, you know, I’m, I just believe the world is such a big place and we all need to help us support each other.
Yes, we do.
And you know, I want all of my students to succeed and follow their own purpose in their own unique way, and I’ll always encourage that. So whatever opportunities come my way, I will also try and put it to my students way for as and when they are ready.
Yeah, oh that’s lovely and congratulations as well for, for all of those things. Do you have any demonstrations coming up Kerry, that we might be able to watch you?
Yes, I’ve got an in-person one.
I’m like, whoo! I can’t wait! I have an in-person one in Essex, in a place called Burnham on Crouch, and that is on 12th June. I have actually sold over half the tickets already.
Well done, that’s brilliant.
Yeah, and we have the 26th June, I believe, that is an online one, and that is, there is six of us demonstrating and all funds are towards charity as well, we are trying to do a big fund raise and there are a few of us there doing that. I am actually starting to really work more in person now, I want to aim to do in person demonstrations. So yeah, keep an eye on my website and on there it will all be uploaded as to whereabouts I’m going to be demonstrating, but I’ve got quite a lot being booked in for this year.
Yeah great and so if people are listening to this after those dates, they can go to your website and see what is current for them. And you did say before we began that you had a message perhaps from spirit for us.
Yes, if you’d like me to share it.
That would be wonderful.
I got this two days ago and again, as I say, it’s all really about the world, and also about you, as an individual. Each and every one of us in this world has a part to play. We all have a participation within this life and within this world, and so this is really for everybody. So what was said is:
We now hold the space for you and for many different species that reside upon your world. Your world has undergone catastrophic changes, and now heals with an abundance of light and love. This change has been imposed from the universal laws and elders of elevation, as a saviour for your world, to allow the repair and replenishment that is now needed. It is imperative that you now have space for you. You hold your own divine space as a spiritual being. By holding this space for you, you will then help to enlighten others to do the same. Remember we cannot change others, we can only show others the path. Be that light upon that path and keep that light shining so brightly, and hold space, for also holding space of healing for all sentient beings including our beautiful Mother Earth. Please now foster and adopt your new life, living a life of change and existence, we can now only feel. Do not prevail to the past anymore for it has gone and no longer exists. You now step forwards to within this beautiful gift of life that you have been so freely given, and by your own choice, that you have been granted, you can now harness the power of healing through the purity of nature, as the purification has now been processed and formed into the abundance that you all strive for you. You can now absorb these beautiful energies that surround you so freely. Emerge your energy within. Surrender to the changes that have taken place, that was needed to be granted and that you are now gifted with. These changes are in accordance and in alignment of emotion. The gift of feeling is within your own truth, a truth that you yearn for is now within you. Open and accept. An emotion of perception is the key to evolve. The old ways no longer work and serve you no purpose. We heard your needs, we heard your words, we felt your tears, so now let us guide you, allow us to help you in ways that you will now be able to comprehend. You now realise you do not need to figure everything out. This is your own human existence that needs to want to know everything. Just trust your soul, and move your soul into that beautiful space of power. Your wisdom will now be felt within you but you must trust. We want you to evolve, we want your Earth to evolve, we want the Earth’s needs to be granted, but this all starts from one thought, that one thought process is you.
Oh Kerry, what beautiful words from spirit thank you for sharing them.
That’s okay, you’re welcome.
Ah I’m sure people will really resonate with those words when they touch their minds and hearts thank you and thank you spirit .
Yeah absolutely, absolutely, it’s they are quite empowering and you know they’re not for me they are for everybody.
That’s so beautiful Kerry, thank you for joining us here today and sharing all of your knowledge. I always feel so calm in your presence and I feel, you have this natural healing about you, where I feel sort of very accepted as a person in your presence, and very comforted, so I think I’m going to book in with you for a reading!
Oh bless you, thank you that’s so lovely, and that’s the thing, you know, it’s about, we are all here we are on say different pathways, and you know, no one’s better than anybody, and we’re all here to evolve together, and help each other.
Yeah, well thank you so much. I wish you all the very best with getting all the new aspects up, the technical side of your website, and all the beautiful classes. Congratulations on everything so far and very good luck with everything that you’ve got coming in the future, and I look forward to watching your progress.
Thank you so much honey it’s been an absolute pleasure to speak with you today it’s been amazing I’ve enjoyed myself thank you
Great thanks so much Kerry Standfast.
I hope you have enjoyed this episode with my wonderful colleague Kerry Standfast . She’s an incredibly talented psychic Medium & tutor – so do go and book yourself a reading with her – and check out her courses on her website – she has a great variety of things that are coming up that you might enjoy.
Meanwhile, just to remind you, all resources for this episode, including a full transcript and importantly, how to reach Kerry, are over on my website under podcasts, so do head over there and you can pick everything up on the show notes www.anntheato.com.
While you are there – check out my audio track – SITTING IN THE POWER – you’ll find it in the shop – because it compliments things that Kerry has been talking about in this episode – it’s only £3 and it’s a powerful 30 minute piece of audio that will lead you through an exercise in mediumistic, spiritual and psychic unfoldment. Sitting In The Power, as Kerry has explained, is the foundation stone of all psychic and mediumship work and its daily practice will enable you to:
- Slow down your mind
- Recognise your relationship with the Divine within and the Divine without
- Allow the spirit within to manifest and become present
- Become aware of yourself as a soul being
- Develop a deep friendship and relationship with your own soul power
- Enter into the stillness, where impressions from your higher self, your subconscious mind, your soul self or the spirit world may be received.
By sitting in the power or sitting in the stillness of your own soul on a regular basis, it will help you to distinguish your thoughts from those of the spirit world.
To carry on the conversation, with Kerry, or any of my guests, please do head over to the Psychic Matters Podcast Group FB page and join in the discussions – you will be very warmly welcomed!
For now, I would like to wish you all a very successful couple of weeks. My name is Ann Theato, and thank you for listening to PSYCHIC MATTERS!